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Start & Stop HSQL Servers for w32

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:29 pm
by Greengiant224
I have made a very simple gui interface to make starting and stopping HSQL JDBC servers. it only runs on windows (sorry linux guys)
There is a readme file included. You only need to configure the relevant paths in the .ini file and away you go.

It is a small portable app that runs in the system tray. I have been using this personally for about twelve months and
have not had any problem with it.

If you don't like messy batch files or shortcuts cluttering up your desktop try this:

not available (426kb)

I know this is not a tutorial as such but it was written with reference to the HSQL DB decription of file/server modes from DACM ... 67#p162653

I hope it makes your job of running servers much easier.


Re: Start & Stop HSQL Servers for w32

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:44 pm
by Villeroy
Whatever you tried to code here, it killed my database configuration.

Code: Select all

javapath=C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe

jarpath22=C:\Program Files\hsqldb\lib\hsqldb.jar
sqltool=C:\Program Files\hsqldb\lib\sqltool.jar

LOoPath=C:\Program Files\LibreOffice 3\program\soffice.exe

HSQL version is the 2.2.5 on Win7.
The last entry refers to the chargen.* files

No I always get

Code: Select all

SQL Status: S1000
Error code: -458

General error: database alias does not exist
even when I start my usual script.
 Edit: A complete restart of the machine fixed it. How much I hate Windows administration. 

Re: Start & Stop HSQL Servers for w32

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:41 pm
by Greengiant224
Whatever you tried to code here, it killed my database configuration.
There is nothing contained in this simple code to cause any of the problems you experienced.
It has been tested over 1000 times ( yes, true, by me personally) and various anti virus scanners
all report a clean file.

Edit: A complete restart of the machine fixed it. How much I hate Windows administration.
Amazing, how a restart can can fix your database configuration?

Glad to see you have no other problems.