View two pages side-by-side on screen

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Bystander 63
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View two pages side-by-side on screen

Post by Bystander 63 »

I've just begun using Open Office. a) How do I get two pages side by side on the same screen? b) If I can get two pages side by side, how can I get a full View on BOTH pages, so that nothing else shows on my screen except those two pages? Thankyou

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Re: How to view two pages on one screen?

Post by Hagar Delest »

Hi and welcome to the forum!

a) Next to the zoom slider in the status bar (bottom of the OOo window), there are switches to get a normal view, 2 pages view and 2 pages book view.
b) Try the full screen view (View menu).

Thanks to add '[Solved]' at beginning of your first post title (edit button) if your issue has been fixed.
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Re: How to view two pages on one screen?

Post by Amelia B. »

I'm assuming you're talking about a regular document, not a slide show presentation. I'm using Mac, so it might look slightly differently on Windows, but it should be similar to this:

With the document open, there should be a "Status Bar" across the bottom of the window, showing the page number, language, etc. On the right are pictures of a single page, of two separate pages, or of two pages open like a book. Click on either of the two-page images to get two pages displayed. If you still only have one page displayed, it is because you are zoomed in too much to display both pages. The "zoom" control is also on the Status bar, next to the page settings. Move the slider or press the -/+ buttons until your two pages fill the window.

(If the Status Bar isn't visible at the bottom of the window, go to "View" menu and make sure "Status Bar" is checked.")


Go to the "View" menu, and select "Zoom...". This will open a dialog box where you can tell it to display the pages in two columns, with "book mode" on or off, and also to "Fit width and height" to the screen. This will make sure the pages fit the window even when you resize the window.

I hope that all helps. I don't think there is a way to set it so that you can only see one page (or pair of pages) at a time, like in MS Word. You always are able to scroll from one page to the next. If I'm wrong, someone else please post! However, to jump neatly from one page to the next you can use the next page/previous page buttons, which are shown by up/down double arrows at the bottom of the vertical scrollbar at the right side of the window.
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Re: How to view two pages on one screen?

Post by Hagar Delest »

In fact, there is also the print preview that allows you to set the number of full pages to be shown. But you can't edit in preview mode.
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Re: How to view two pages on one screen?

Post by wash »

I do not seem to have the pictures mentioned above. However, choosing[In OO] Window, New Window, then using the windows side-by-side [in Windows O.S.-right click on the bottom task bar] seems to accomplish what was wanted.
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Re: How to view two pages on one screen?

Post by wash »

I just realized that my response above was based on viewing 2 sheets of a spread sheet. It works for text documents too, but for text documents the pictures do appear at the bottom as mentioned above.
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Re: How to view two pages on one screen?

Post by oneota »

None of these solutions solve my problem: I want to have one page open and also any other page also open (e.g., for when I am checking for repetitions, references, or variations).
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Re: How to view two pages on one screen?

Post by keme »

oneota wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:18 am None of these solutions solve my problem: I want to have one page open and also any other page also open (e.g., for when I am checking for repetitions, references, or variations).
Today, 10+ years later, there still does not seem to be a better solution to this in Writer than to open a new view to your document, like wash describes in his first comment.

This will open in a new app window with full menus/toolbars. Both windows are to the same document instance, so any effect of editing in one window will also appear in the other window.
You can disable display of toolbars, side panels, status bar and ruler from the View menu, to maximize available "screen real estate" for your content.

If you need more than this, I guess you need to look elsewhere. I cannot see OpenOffice development, nor LibreOffice, giving this any priority. Of course, I may be wrong.
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Re: How to view two pages on one screen?

Post by HarryPotter69 »

Windows Key + Left/Right Arrow and then Open the first document or window. Press the Windows key + Left Arrow to snap the window to the left side.Open the second document or window. Press the Windows key + Right Arrow to snap the window to the right side.
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Re: How to view two pages on one screen?

Post by »

Easy, Oneota. On your keyboard you will see a 'windows' key, generally at the bottom, right of the spacebar. Get your doc, press the windows key and the right (or left) arrow at the same time, and,...voila! Left and right - 2 pages on the one screen
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Re: How to view two pages on one screen?

Post by LastUnicorn »

If you want instant control of window sizes beyond what Windows natively offers then give Sizer a try. I've been using it for many years and would be at a loss without it. It will take a while to set-up with your own preferred pre-set window sizes — once that is done it is a breeze to use.

Couple of tips for Sizer:

(1) It doesn't work with all windows, for example, say, the Microsoft's 'Computer Management' window. However, it does work with a large number of windows and certainly for me for all of the programs that I use daily.

(2) If right-clicking on a window's 'Restore' button doesn't work then try right-clicking on the window's 'close' button, usually works (on Windows 10). Or use the default Ctrl+Windows+Z keyboard combination to bring up the Sizer menu to be used for the currently active window.

(3) It is possible to use Sizer as a portable program. To do that follow these instructions:

(1) Goto

(2) Download the "binaries only" zip file of Sizer

(3) Unpack the zip file to a folder of your choice (let's say "W:\Sizer")

(4) Launch Sizer.exe

(5) On launch a folder Sizer4 will be created in the %appdata% location on your system for the currently logged-in user. If you are not sure where that is read %appdata% In any case, open that folder.

(6) Right click on the Sizer icon in your System Tray and select to Configure Sizer...

(7) In the dialogue that opens up click on the Load/Save tab. Then click on the "Apply" button. Sizer will create a file titled "sizer.xml" in the %appdata% Sizer4 folder. Click on the Okay button to exit the dialogue.

(8) Copy the file sizer.xml file from the %appdata% location into the W:\Sizer folder you created in step (3) above.

(9) Right-click on Sizer in the System Tray and choose Exit.

(10) Now launch Sizer again and you will find that it will use the configuration file sizer.xml in the location W:\Sizer

The long and the short of all this is that if Sizer finds a configuration file sizer.xml in the same folder that sizer.exe is launched from it will use that configuration file (not the file in %appdata%) and hence you have made your Sizer a portable application. If that is what you want you can delete the Sizer4 folder in %appdata% as you don't need it now, or you can leave it in place, it won't be used and it won't do any harm. Just remember that now when you create your own custom window size configurations for Sizer that it will save your custom configurations in the sizer.xml file that is located in W:\Sizer.


(4) It also possible to use different configuration files for Sizer by launching Sizer from a command line or from a Windows Shortcut passing parameters to launch Sizer with the desired .xml configuration file. This is useful if using Sizer as a portable and you are switching between computer systems which have different monitor resolutions. Instructions to do this are as follows:

An XML file is used to record Sizer settings. Sizer works out the location of the XML as follows:

(A) From the command line or via a Windows Shortcut. If Sizer is started with a command line like -config "filename.xml" then filename.xml is used for loading and saving configuration information.

(B) If no command line is specified then it looks for the sizer.xml in the same directory as the sizer.exe executable. If this file exists this is used regardless whether it contains valid XML or not.

(C) If the above step doesn't work then the config file is saved/loaded from the local application data directory. On Win7 this will be in the form c:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Sizer\sizer.xml.

(D) If you want different config files then you'd need to craft different shortcuts with different command lines to pick up the correct file. Maybe this isn't as elegant as it could be but it works.
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Re: How to view two pages on one screen?

Post by JeJe »

I wrote an extension to save and load writer window positions and hide unwanted elements easily.


(Was using Windows 8 when I wrote it and some bits don't work so well on other OSs. May revisit it sometime)
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Re: How to view two pages on one screen?

Post by MrProgrammer »

Bystander 63 wrote: Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:40 pm How do I get two pages side by side on the same screen?
If [so], how can I get a full View on BOTH pages, so that nothing else shows on my screen?
I realize that the original question is for Windows, but people using MacOS may also want this configuation. Recent releases of MacOS support Split View and don't need additional software like SIzer. One can use this feature to view two OpenOffice windows side-by-side, or an OpenOffice window and a different application's window. Since the feature is part of MacOS, all versions of OpenOffice, LibreOffice, and other derivatives can use it.
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Writer document and MacOS Dictionary
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Mr. Programmer
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