Subcategories of subcategories of subcategories, ...

Creating and using forms
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Subcategories of subcategories of subcategories, ...

Post by gfadams »

I'm on Windows 10, and I'm new to using OpenOffice Base. I've read "Chapter 10 Getting Started With Base." and got the example working. Now I'm working on the design for the personal database I want to create, which is for glass fusing supplies. When I enter a glass supply purchase in a form, I need to specify the glass manufacturer, the type of glass, the color of the glass, and other characteristics of the glass. Each manufacturer has its own types of glass, colors, and so on. There are thousands of possibilities. There are also many other types of glass fusing supplies besides the glass, such as books, molds, & decals. I'm thinking of entering each order in the main form, and enter each line of the order in a subform, but I need a way on the form to enter the type of supply and the manufacturer, and then dependent on that entry, choose for example the type of glass, and then dependent on that entry, choose from a list box the final product. As there are thousands of different types of glass fusing supplies I own, it would not be possible to select from a single list box or memorize product codes. Is there a reasonably simple way for me to implement this? If not, could you please tell me what I would need to learn in order to do it? I have some coding experience, but decades ago, and I'm hoping there's a way for me to do this that won't require months of study.
Thank you.
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Re: Subcategories of subcategories of subcategories, ...

Post by Villeroy »

Please, edit this topic's initial post and add "[Solved]" to the subject line if your problem has been solved.
Ubuntu 18.04 with LibreOffice 6.0, latest OpenOffice and LibreOffice
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