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Filtered data (sourced from one sheet) on different sheets.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 10:27 pm
by avaizhashmi
I am developing a sheet system for my accounts.

I have raw CSV data on one sheet. I will keep pasting more data here as time goes on.
I am recalling? the data on other sheets using =$Accounts_RAW_DATA.A3

I am aiming for a rather dynamic filtering system so that if I am on my Chequing Account for ABC bank, only those transaction with "Chequing ABC Bank" value would show up and not the others. And the math would follow from there.

I think filtering system is not changing the sum of transactions automatically as the rows are just hidden.

Please give me a few pointers.

Re: Filtered data (sourced from one sheet) on different shee

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 10:44 pm
by RusselB
Please upload a sample of your CSV or your spreadsheet so that we can look at the layout. Some dummy data would also be helpful.
Without that information, I'd be taking wild shots in the dark as to how you could do this, as some of the methods I'm thinking of require certain information to be located in certain locations.

Re: Filtered data (sourced from one sheet) on different shee

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 1:04 am
by avaizhashmi
Here and thanx :)