Zo als we woensdag 4-5-2022 hebben kunnen merken heeft het afsluiten zich later plaats gevonden. Nu is de forum software vernieuwd.
Het onder staande is een quote van de mailinglist.
Maintenance on the Forums is completed!
The Forums are now at phpBB 3.3.7 which was released March 17, 2023. The
prior version was 3.0.9 released July 10, 2011.
Very, very happy. Future updates should be much easier. I will follow up
with the Forum sysadmins on these issues:
1. The Italian Forum has a weird display issues. I think that a post will
need to be regenerated.
2. We need to find forum administrators to replace imacat for each forum.
3. I will need to document the process, customizations and migration