script.xlc and dialogs.xlc update by basic macro

Creating a macro - Writing a Script - Using the API (OpenOffice Basic, Python, BeanShell, JavaScript)
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script.xlc and dialogs.xlc update by basic macro

Post by sumec83 »

Hi guys, I need a help please :)
I have an .odb file with macros in Basic. I also have a Basic macro library that I want to make available in LibreOffice - My Macros. I know that the content of this library is stored in the script.xlc file in the LO user profile. I have exported all the Basic macros (the entire library structure - folders and modules as .xba files) and also the script.xlc file in a backup folder. My plan is that when the .odb file is first opened, it checks for the presence of one of the libraries in My Macros, and if it's not there, it copies the script.xlc and dialogs.xlc files from the backup. This approach works well for me on macOS, but not on Linux; on Linux, the default script.xlc and dialogs.xlc files are always restored after closing the .odb and LibreOffice. Here is my piece of code; maybe you can see how to handle it. Thanks for your ideas :-)

Code: Select all

	If GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.hasByName("Tools") Then GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary("Tools")
	If GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.hasByName("ScriptForge") Then 
	 	MsgBox ("Library ScriptForge is missing!", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION + MB_OK, "Warning Message")
	End If	

	' Get current path
	path = DirectoryNameoutofPath(ThisDataBaseDocument.getLocation() ,"/")
	If Not GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.hasByName("DataManagement") Then
		MsgBox ("Please close and restart MyAPP (exit LibreOffice) for the initial library initialization", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION + MB_OK, "Warning Message")
		 'Copying script.xlc from the backup folder to user/basic to make macros accessible in My Macros if the libraries were not found
		Dim sourceDirectory As String
	    sourceDirectory = path & "/user/basic/backup_library_path/"
	    Dim scriptSourceFile As String
	    scriptSourceFile = "script.xlc"
	    Dim dialogSourceFile As String
	    dialogSourceFile = "dialog.xlc"
	    Dim destDirectory As String
	    destDirectory = path & "/user/basic/"
	    Dim scriptSourceURL As String
	    scriptSourceURL = sourceDirectory & scriptSourceFile
	    Dim dialogSourceURL As String
	    dialogSourceURL = sourceDirectory & dialogSourceFile
	    Dim scriptDestURL As String
	    scriptDestURL = destDirectory & scriptSourceFile
	    Dim dialogDestURL As String
	    dialogDestURL = destDirectory & dialogSourceFile

		 FileCopy scriptSourceURL, scriptDestURL
		 FileCopy dialogSourceURL, dialogDestURL
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.hasByName("Opening") Then GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary("Opening")
Last edited by MrProgrammer on Sat Oct 14, 2023 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Replaced incorrect "dialogs.xcl" in subject with "dialogs.xlc"
Libreoffice 7.5.x on macOS 13.5.2 (arm)
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