AOO 4.1.6 not working on Arch, how can i build?

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AOO 4.1.6 not working on Arch, how can i build?

Post by Grosskopfgames »

Hey, i need AOO for my Job because they managed to create a Form i can't open in Libreoffice but claim it opens in Openoffice, i run Arch up to date with all the latest packages, the AUR version of openoffice fails to start with
Fatal exception: Signal 6
at, since it's being installed from a binary i tried to build it from source wich fails with this:

Code: Select all

 gerrit@Marvin  ~/openoffice/aoo-4.1.6/main/instsetoo_native  build --all                  
build -- version: 275224

Building module solenv

Entering /home/gerrit/openoffice/aoo-4.1.6/main/solenv

dmake:  Error executing '': Exec format error
dmake:  Error code -1, while making '/home/gerrit/openoffice/aoo-4.1.6/main/solenv/'

1 module(s): 
need(s) to be rebuilt


ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /home/gerrit/openoffice/aoo-4.1.6/main/solenv
there is no solenv/ folder in my system, when i create it and an empty inside it skips that error but that sounds like not the right thing to do, right? is there anything i need to know when following this: ... _Guide_AOO?
OpenOffice 4.1.6 on Arch linux
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Re: AOO 4.1.6 not working on Arch, how can i build?

Post by Hagar Delest »

Hi and welcome to the forum!

If no reply, you should ask the dev mailing list. You may have better luck.
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Re: AOO 4.1.6 not working on Arch, how can i build?

Post by Lupp »

It's rather uncommon that LibO does not support something working in AOO.
However, regarding the content of your question, I assume you are a well informed user.
Therefore: Isn't it a simpler way for you to patch the form a tad and make it run under LibO this way?
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Re: AOO 4.1.6 not working on Arch, how can i build?

Post by Grosskopfgames »

Hi, Sorry for not replying as quick as you, there is some back and forth going on with this form, so there is some key signature mumbo jumbo in there and for legal reasons they don't want me to modify the form, i'm still considering doing that anyway but my dad told me that some things changed in calc in libreoffice from earlier versions, so i'll try those as well. for 4.20 i get those errors when doing build --all:

Code: Select all

cd .. && make -s -r -j1   && make -s -r deliverlog
Makefile:23: *** No environment set!.  Stop.
then when i try to do that, i get errors like:

/home/gerrit/aoo/main/solver/420/ not found


/home/gerrit/aoo/main/solver/420/ not found

the lib folder does not even exist and inc only has and minormkchanged.flg inside

i'm just following the readme, is there anything i should be doing differently? maybe something was deprecated in the new gcc version or something :/
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Re: AOO 4.1.6 not working on Arch, how can i build?

Post by Grosskopfgames »

they even managed to make it so that i cannot reach the affected cells with the cursor, it seems like i would need to reverse engineer the xls format :crazy: but anything for not signing an agb with microsoft :ouch:
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Re: AOO 4.1.6 not working on Arch, how can i build?

Post by Villeroy »

they even managed to make it so that i cannot reach the affected cells with the cursor, it seems like i would need to reverse engineer the xls format :crazy: but anything for not signing an agb with microsoft
Who are "they"?
Which affected cells in which document?
Do you have a problem with a particular document, which an application or with compiling OpenOffice?

[Forum] How to attach a document here
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Re: AOO 4.1.6 not working on Arch, how can i build?

Post by Grosskopfgames »

Sorry for going offtopic a bit. I'm working for my University as a Sudent assistant and they need this weird form filled out by me for tracking my hours, they are required to get that by law, bureaucracy is crazy around here :D, i found the problematic Cell today though, they are trying to get "=DATEVALUE(December2018)" without the space, this works in Openoffice, but doesn't work in Libreoffice, bugs accumulate and the Form is unusable in Libreoffice. So maybe, if they fix that or allow me to fix that by adding a space, i don't need to build Openoffice anymore :)
I came here to get help building my openoffice version though and the error messages i get while following the instructions seem really bad, so i'll try getting through just to test if maybe there is an incompatibility there, or a missing documentation piece i can write
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Re: AOO 4.1.6 not working on Arch, how can i build?

Post by Villeroy »

OpenOffice is extremely difficult to compile with dependencies of 3 decades. This is one reason why LibreOffice got all the volunteers because the first thing they changed was the code base and infrastructure. Well, DATEVALUE("December2018") fails with any spreadsheet application unless it happens to be some English version. Apart from the localisation problem the use of DATEVALUE with a constant string is absurd. You could simply enter the correct numeric value value instead of this formula. A German version of Excel would not get it neither. My copy of OpenOffice needs to be set up with an English locale, a non-USA locale to be more precise.
You don't have to compile this monster in order to fill out one form. Just get some Windows PC with Excel or OpenOffice. They are everywhere.
If we could see the form document, I'm pretty confident that someone comes up with a solution that works with LibreOffice.
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Re: AOO 4.1.6 not working on Arch, how can i build?

Post by Villeroy »

Even if the bad formula cells are protected, it is fairly easy to remove any cell protection in order to fix the stupid formulas or replace them with constants. In the end DATEVALUE("december2018") is a clumsy way to enter a constant day number 43435. If that expression is part of a long formula, DATEVALUE("2018-12-01") or DATE(2018;12;1) gives the correct value with any application and any locale setting
Please, edit this topic's initial post and add "[Solved]" to the subject line if your problem has been solved.
Ubuntu 18.04 with LibreOffice 6.0, latest OpenOffice and LibreOffice
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