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Auto Suggest on Documents-How to Activate?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:36 pm
by kenhreed
My OpenOffice on my home computer will auto suggest file names as I'm searching for a file in Documents. "example, I type pres... and the files appear that start with the letters pres," (sorry if that's obvious)
My work computer will not.
Could you please instruct me on how to activate auto suggest on my work computer?

Re: Auto Suggest on Documents-How to Activate?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:55 pm
by Hagar Delest
Perhaps your home computer uses the AOO dialogs. On your work computer, see in Tools>Options>AOO>General>Open/Save dialogs and check the option that makes AOO use its own dialogs.

Please add [Solved] at the beginning of the title in your first post (top of the topic) with the *EDIT button if your issue has been fixed.