How to program OOo Calc using Perl API w/ OLE and DDE

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How to program OOo Calc using Perl API w/ OLE and DDE

Post by starrychloe »

This is with version 2.4, because the latest version is unstable. It does work with the latest though sometimes. This will allow realtime DDE features in Calc as opposed to manipulating files. This is using Cygwin Perl on XP but should work with others. I just want to say the Excel VBA programming API is 10 times better and 10 times less confusing. That is pretty bad. Why require obscure UNO objects for passing args? Why not allow $Desktop->openFile("file.ods", [-hidden=>1, -update=>1, -readonly=>1]) format?

Code: Select all

use Win32::OLE;

Win32::OLE->Option(Warn => 3); # Turn on warnings for easier debugging
$objServiceManager = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject("") || Win32::OLE->new("") || die "CreateObject: $!"; # Get the currently running process or create a new one
$Stardesktop = $objServiceManager->createInstance("");

# $Stardesktop->terminate();exit; # will kill ALL OpenOffice docs!!!
# Doc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sURL, "_default", 0, aMediaDesc)

$propValue[0] = $objServiceManager->Bridge_GetStruct("");
$propValue[0]->{Name} = "Hidden"; # This does not work!
$propValue[0]->{Value} = 1;

#Open the file and update its links if you have DDE links in your file
$propValue[1] = $objServiceManager->Bridge_GetStruct("");
$propValue[1]->{Name} = "UpdateDocMode";
$propValue[1]->{Value} = 3; #

$calc = $Stardesktop->loadComponentfromUrl("file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Chloe/Desktop/MyFile.ods", "MyCalc", 0, \@propValue );

# How to hide, as loading the document hidden does not work.

$oSheet = $calc->getSheets->getByIndex(0);

# how to execute an UNO command, such as menu items
$frame = $calc->getCurrentController->getFrame;
$dispatchHelper = $objServiceManager->createInstance("");

$row = 5;
$cellValue = $oSheet->getCellByPosition(0, $row)->getString(); # get a cell value

# sort in decending order
$range = $oSheet->getCellRangeByName("A1:P$row");
$fields[0] = $objServiceManager->Bridge_GetStruct("");
$fields[0]->{Field} = 7; # column number
$fields[0]->{IsAscending} = 0;
$unoWrap = $objServiceManager->Bridge_GetValueObject;
$unoWrap->Set ("[]", \@fields);
$sortDx = $range->createSortDescriptor();
$sortDx->[0]->{Name} = "ContainsHeader";
$sortDx->[0]->{Value} = 1;
$sortDx->[3]->{Name} = "SortFields";
$sortDx->[3]->{Value} = $unoWrap;
#$sortDx->[3]->{Value} = \@fields; # You would think this would work? It doesn't.

# create a new sheet to paste to
$calc->getSheets->insertNewByName("NewSheet", 1 );
$sheet2 = $calc->getSheets->getByIndex(1);

# copy row
$pasteHere = $sheet2->getCellByPosition(0, 0)->CellAddress;
$copyRange = $oSheet->getCellRangeByName("A1:Q1")->RangeAddress;
$oSheet->copyRange($pasteHere, $copyRange);

$cellValue = $sheet2->getCellByPosition(16, $row)->getValue()); # get cell value as integer
$date = $sheet2->getCellByPosition(5, $row)->getString(); # must get dates as strings

$calc->getCurrentController->getFrame->getContainerWindow()->setVisible(1); # set visible
$calc->close(0); # close program window
#print Win32::OLE->LastError, "\n";

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