Package not found :

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Package not found :

Post by vinod.er2005 »

From where can i found this package. Since i have downloaded openoffice2.4 and i hav"nt found any package with the name , and it is required to run the following code snipt.

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package pdfcm;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import ooo.connector.BootstrapSocketConnector;

 * PDF conversion and merge class.
 * This class depends on the following software being installed and configured:
 *    -- Open Office version 2.3.0 or better
 *       (Previous 2.X versions may work, but they have not been tested.)
 *       Latest version of Open Office can be obtained at
 *       (Tested with 2.3.0, 2.4.0)
 *    -- Ghostscript version 8.6.1 or better
 *       (Previous versions may work if they support the command line options found below.)
 *       Latest version of Ghostscript can be obtained at
 *       (Tested with 8.6.1) 
 *    -- Bootstrap connector jarfile 
 *       The library distributed with this code already contains the bootstrap 
 *       connector.  In case it needs to be updated, or if you wish to leave a 
 *       "Thank-you", it was originally obtained at 
 * @author Gregory Edwin Graham
public class PDFConvert {

     *  Returns true if the string array contains the given string.
     * @param arr An input array of strings
     * @param val A particular string to look for
     * @return true if the array contains an instance of the string, or false
    public static boolean StringArrayContains(String[] arr, String val) {
        boolean retval = false;
        if (arr != null && val != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                if (val.contentEquals(arr[i])) {
                    retval = true;
        return retval;

    protected String[] writerTypes = null;

     * Returns the file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice writer filter
     * @return The file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice writer filter
    public String[] getWriterTypes() {
        return writerTypes;
     * Sets the file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice writer filter
     * @param types The file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice writer filter
    public void SetWriterTypes(String[] types) {
        writerTypes = types;                
    protected String[] calcTypes = null;
     * Returns the file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice calc filter
     * @return The file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice calc filter
    public String[] getCalcTypes() {
        return calcTypes;
     * Sets the file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice calc filter
     * @param types The file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice calc filter
    public void SetCalcTypes(String[] types) {
        calcTypes = types;                
    protected String[] drawTypes = null;

     * Returns the file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice draw filter
     * @return The file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice draw filter
    public String[] getDrawTypes() {
        return drawTypes;
     * Sets the file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice draw filter
     * @param types The file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice draw filter
    public void SetDrawTypes(String[] types) {
        drawTypes = types;                
    protected String[] nativeTypes = null;

     * Returns the file extensions that get processed directly by Ghostscript
     * @return The file extensions that get processed directly by Ghostscript
    public String[] getNativeTypes() {
        return nativeTypes;
     * Sets the file extensions that get processed directly by Ghostscript
     * @param types The file extensions that get processed directly by Ghostscript
    public void SetNativeTypes(String[] types) {
        nativeTypes = types;                
    protected String ooLibPath = "";

     * Gets the folder containing the Open Office libraries
     * @return The folder containing the Open Office libraries
    public String getOOLibPath() {
        return ooLibPath;

     * Sets the folder containing the Open Office libraries
     * @param val The folder containing the Open Office libraries
    public void setOOLibPath(String val) {
        ooLibPath = val;
    protected String gsExePath = "";

     * Gets the folder containing the Ghostscript executable
     * @return The folder containing the Ghostscript executable
    public String getGSExePath() {
        return gsExePath;

     * Sets the folder containing the Ghostscript executable
     * @param val The folder containing the Ghostscript executable
    public void setGSExePath(String val) {
        gsExePath = val;
    protected String gsExeName = "";

     * Gets the name of the Ghostscript executable
     * @return The name of the Ghostscript executable
    public String getGSExeName() {
        return gsExeName;

     * Sets the name of the Ghostscript executable
     * @param val The name of the Ghostscript executable
    public void setGSExeName(String val) {
        gsExeName = val;
    protected String shellCommandStyle = null;

     * Gets the value of the shellCommandStyle.  Can be either "doubleQuoted"
     * for Windows-like or "escapeSpaces" for Unix-like.
     * @return The value of shellCommandStyle
    public String getShellCommandStyle() {
        return shellCommandStyle;

     * Sets the value of the shellCommandStyle.  Can be either "doubleQuoted"
     * for Windows-like or "escapeSpaces" for Unix-like.
     * @param scs The value of shellCommandStyle
    public void setShellCommandStyle(String scs) {
        shellCommandStyle = scs;
    protected boolean deleteOnFinish = false;

     * Gets the value of the deleteOnFinish option
     * @return The value of the deleteOnFinish option
    public boolean getDeleteOnFinish() {
        return deleteOnFinish;

     * Sets the value of the deleteOnFinish option
     * @param val The value of the deleteOnFinish option
    public void setDeleteOnFinish(boolean val) {
        deleteOnFinish = val;
    protected boolean doMerge = false;

     * Gets the value of the doMerge option
     * @return The value of the doMerge option
    public boolean getDoMerge() {
        return doMerge;

     * Sets the value of the doMerge option
     * @param val The value of the doMerge option
    public void setDoMerge(boolean val) {
        doMerge = val;
    private String outputFilename;

     * Gets the value of the output filename for the merge option
     * @return The value of the output filename for the merge option
    public String getOutputFilename() {
        return outputFilename;

     * Sets the value of the output filename for the merge option
     * @param outputFile The value of the output filename for the merge option
    public void setOutputFilename(String outputFile) {
        this.outputFilename = outputFile;
    private String statusText = null;

     * Gets status text set during the course of a conversion operation
     * @return Status text set during the course of a conversion operation 
    public String getStatusText() {
        return statusText;
    private boolean isError = false;

     * Gets error status set during the course of a conversion operation
     * @return Error status set during the course of a conversion operation 
    public boolean getIsError() {
        return isError;

     * Clears error status and status text
    public void ClearError() {
        statusText = null;
        isError = false;

     * PDF Conversion and Merge method
     * @param inputFiles An array of input filenames to process
     * @return true if conversion succeeded
    public boolean DoConvert(String[] inputFiles) {

        // Reset the errors and status

        // Check configuration
        if (ooLibPath == null) {
            statusText = "Location of Open Office libraries not configured.";
            isError = true;
            return false;
        if (gsExePath == null || gsExeName == null) {
            statusText = "Location of Ghostscript not configured.";
            isError = true;
            return false;

        // Input array should not be null
        if (inputFiles == null) {
            statusText = "No input files.";
            isError = true;
            return false;

        // Zero length array is not an error per se
        if (inputFiles.length == 0) {
            statusText = "No input files.";
            return false;

        // Lack of output filename is an error
        if (outputFilename == null && doMerge) {
            statusText = "No output file specified.";
            isError = true;
            return false;

        // Check for valid shell command style if -m is involved
        if (doMerge) {
            if (shellCommandStyle == null) {
                statusText = "Shell command style not configured.";
                isError = true;
                return false;
            } else if (!shellCommandStyle.contentEquals("doubleQuoted") &&
                    !shellCommandStyle.contentEquals("escapeSpaces")) {
                statusText = "Unknown shell command style: " + shellCommandStyle;
                isError = true;
                return false;

        // Declare Open Office components
        XComponentContext xContext = null;
        XMultiComponentFactory xMCF = null;
        XComponentLoader xComponentLoader = null;
        XStorable xStorable = null;
        XCloseable xCloseable = null;
        Object desktop = null;
        Object document = null;

        // File extension
        String ext;

        // Keep track of files for deletion
        List<String> filesToDelete = new ArrayList<String>();

        // Keep track of converted files
        List<String> convertedFiles = new ArrayList<String>();

        // Try to get reference to an Open Office process
        try {
            // Should use OO installation lib/programs directory on your system
            String ooLibFolder = ooLibPath;

            // Load the Open Office context
            xContext = BootstrapSocketConnector.bootstrap(ooLibFolder);

            // Load the Open Office object factory
            xMCF = xContext.getServiceManager();

            // Get a desktop instance
            desktop = xMCF.createInstanceWithContext(
                    "", xContext);

            // Get a reference to the the desktop interface that can load files
            xComponentLoader = (XComponentLoader) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentLoader.class, desktop);

        } catch (Exception ex) {

            // Open Office error
            statusText = "Could not get usable OpenOffice: " + ex.toString();
            isError = true;
            return false;

        // Keep track of status
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

        // Loop through the input files
        for (int i = 0; i < inputFiles.length; i++) {

            // Check file
            if (inputFiles[i] == null) {
                buf.append("File " + i + " was null.");
                isError = true;
                continue;  // Skip to the next file

            // Get the file extension
            ext = null;
            int lastDot = inputFiles[i].lastIndexOf('.');
            if (lastDot > 0) {
                ext = inputFiles[i].substring(lastDot).toLowerCase();
            if (ext == null) {
                buf.append("File " + i + " was unrecognized by extension.");
                isError = true;
                continue;  // Skip to the next file

            try {
                // Set the document opener to not display an OO window
                PropertyValue[] loaderValues = new PropertyValue[1];
                loaderValues[0] = new PropertyValue();
                loaderValues[0].Name = "Hidden";
                loaderValues[0].Value = new Boolean(true);

                // Convert file path to URL name format and escape spaces
                String docURL = "file:///" + inputFiles[i].replace(File.separatorChar, '/').replace(" ", "%20");
                lastDot = docURL.lastIndexOf('.');

                // If it is already PDF, add it to the list of files to "converted" files
                if (StringArrayContains(nativeTypes, ext)) {
                } else {
                    // Open the document in Open Office
                    document = xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL(
                            docURL, "_blank", 0, loaderValues);

                    // Get a reference to the document interface that can store files
                    xStorable = (XStorable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                            XStorable.class, document);

                    // Set the arguments to save to pdf.
                    PropertyValue[] saveArgs = new PropertyValue[2];
                    saveArgs[0] = new PropertyValue();
                    saveArgs[0].Name = "Overwrite";
                    saveArgs[0].Value = new Boolean(true);

                    // Choose appropriate output filter
                    saveArgs[1] = new PropertyValue();
                    saveArgs[1].Name = "FilterName";
                    if (StringArrayContains(writerTypes, ext)) {
                        saveArgs[1].Value = "writer_pdf_Export";
                    } else if (StringArrayContains(calcTypes, ext)) {
                        saveArgs[1].Value = "calc_pdf_Export";
                    } else if (StringArrayContains(drawTypes, ext)) {
                        saveArgs[1].Value = "draw_pdf_Export";
                    } else {
                        buf.append("File " + i + " has unknown extension: " + ext);
                        isError = true;
                        continue;  // Skip to the next file

                    // The converted file will have the same name with a pdf extension
                    String sSaveUrl = docURL.substring(0, lastDot) + ".pdf";

                    // Save the file
                    xStorable.storeToURL(sSaveUrl, saveArgs);

                    // On success, add the converted filename to a list
                    if (deleteOnFinish) {
                buf.append("Processed file " + i + ". ");

            } catch ( ooioException) {
                buf.append("Caught exception while processing file " + i + ": " +
                        ooioException.toString() + ". ");
                isError = true;
            } catch ( ooiaException) {
                buf.append("Caught exception while processing file " + i + ": " +
                        ooiaException.toString() + ". ");
                isError = true;
            } catch (Exception otherException) {
                buf.append("Caught exception while processing file " + i + ": " +
                        otherException.toString() + ". ");
                isError = true;
            } finally {
                // Make sure the file is closed before going to the next one
                if (document != null) {
                    // Get a reference to the document interface that can close a file
                    xCloseable = (XCloseable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                            XCloseable.class, document);

                    // Try to close it or explicitly dispose it
                    // See
                    if (xCloseable != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch ( ex) {
                            XComponent xComp = (XComponent) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                                    XComponent.class, document);
                    } else {
                        XComponent xComp = (XComponent) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                                XComponent.class, document);
                document = null;   // Javanauts, please pardon my CSharpery

        if (doMerge) {
            // configure the shell command build
            boolean doQuotes = shellCommandStyle.contentEquals("doubleQuoted");
            boolean doEscapes = shellCommandStyle.contentEquals("escapeSpaces");
            // Do the merge
            StringBuffer cmd = new StringBuffer();
            if (doQuotes) {
            if (doEscapes) {
                cmd.append(gsExePath.replace(" ", "\\ ")).append(File.separatorChar).append(gsExeName);
            } else {
            if (doQuotes) {
            cmd.append(" -q").append(" -dNOPAUSE").append(" -dBATCH").append(" -sDEVICE=pdfwrite").append(" -sOUTPUTFILE=");
            if (doQuotes) {
            if (doEscapes) {
                cmd.append(outputFilename.replace(" ", "\\ "));
            } else {
            if (doQuotes) {
            cmd.append(" ");

            // Loop over converted files
            for (int i = 0; i < convertedFiles.size(); i++) {
                String fileToAdd = convertedFiles.get(i).substring(8).replace("%20", " ").replace('/', File.separatorChar);
                if (doQuotes) {
                if (doEscapes) {
                    cmd.append(fileToAdd.replace(" ", "\\ "));
                } else {
                if (doQuotes) {
                cmd.append(" ");
                if (deleteOnFinish) {

            // Merge!
            if (!isError) {
                try {
                    // Execute the command
                    Process mProc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd.toString());

                    // Voodoo - In order to wait for an external process, you
                    // have to handle its stdout(getInputStream) and stderr (getErrorStream)
                    // I'm just going to close them as I'm only interested in if it succeeded or not
                    InputStream iStr = mProc.getInputStream();
                    InputStream eStr = mProc.getErrorStream();

                    // Now wait
                    int exCode = mProc.waitFor();
                    if (exCode == 0) {
                        buf.append("Merge succeeded: exit code was zero.");
                    } else {
                        isError = true;
                        buf.append("Merge failed: exit code was " + exCode);

                } catch ( ex) {
                    buf.append("Merge failed: " + ex.toString());
                    isError = true;
                    statusText = buf.toString();
                    return false;
                } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException ex) {
                    buf.append("Merge interrupted: " + ex.toString());
                    isError = true;
                    statusText = buf.toString();
                    return false;

        // Delete the converted files
        if (deleteOnFinish) {
            for (int i = 0; i < filesToDelete.size(); i++) {
                File dFile = new File(filesToDelete.get(i));
                if (dFile.exists()) {
        statusText = buf.toString();
        return !isError;
OOo 2.4.X on Ms Windows XP
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Hagar Delest
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Re: Package not found :

Post by Hagar Delest »

You had posted in the Code snippet forum, have you read the forum rules for that section (in red)?
So I've moved it to the External Programs section.
LibreOffice on Xubuntu 23.10 and portable on Windows 10
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Re: Package not found :

Post by mats »

They are not there from the beginning. You create them when you run cppumaker.
Look at the installation instructions at: ... pAPI2.html
Under: “1.3 OpenOffice with Visual Studio .NET Steps” you see, in step 4.1, how to run cppumaker.
In my case I had to do some extra googling to make it work though.
OOo 2.4.X on Ms Windows XP
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Re: Package not found :

Post by hol.sten »

mats wrote:They are not there from the beginning. You create them when you run cppumaker.
This is not necessary if you deal with Java!
OOo 3.2.0 on Ubuntu 10.04 • OOo 3.2.1 on Windows 7 64-bit and MS Windows XP
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Re: Package not found :

Post by hol.sten »

vinod.er2005 wrote:From where can i found this package. Since i have downloaded openoffice2.4 and i hav"nt found any package with the name
The package is part of the JAR file unoil.jar, which is located on a standard Win XP installation here:
  • OOo 2.4.x: C:\Program Files\ 2.4\program\classes
  • OOo 3.0.0: C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\classes
OOo 3.2.0 on Ubuntu 10.04 • OOo 3.2.1 on Windows 7 64-bit and MS Windows XP
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