Search control doesn't update form

Creating and using forms
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Search control doesn't update form

Post by jafferty »

OpenOffice Version: 4.1.2
Operating System: Windows 10

I am new to using OpenOffice, although I have some beginner-level experience using Microsoft Access. I am currently making a database to archive very old customer records that will be destroyed.

The way I have it set up is with 3 tables, one for basic information for each customer and two others that I am using to add multiple pictures as subforms in the main form.
I have one main form that displays the customer information.

In order to make the database user-friendly, I have tried to add a search control that will allow users to search the records by name.

I searched these forums for help and found this thread: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=6256
which discussed using a combo box and macros to filter records, and this thread: viewtopic.php?f=39&t=6834
which expanded upon the previous thread but added more to the macro to avoid data loss.

After a bit of trial and error I have added the search control to my form. When I begin typing in the combo box it works as it should by autocompleting/prompting a customer name, however when i press return or click on the suggested name, the form does not update to the selected customer record. After more lurking and searching I can't seem to find a solution, and would really appreciate some help.

Here is the code for my current macro:

Code: Select all

Sub SearchByName
        dim oFilter as object
        dim oFormCtl as object
        dim doMove as boolean
        on local error goto SearchByNameError
        oFormCtl = ThisComponent.Drawpage.Forms.getByName("PatientRecords")
       if oFormCtl.isModified then
          doMove = doUpdateRecord( oFormCtl, oFormCtl.isNew )
          doMove = TRUE
        end if 
        if doMove then     
            oFilter = oFormCtl.getByName("search_combobox")
             if oFilter.CurrentValue <> "" then
                oFormCtl.Filter = "Name LIKE " + "'"+oFilter.CurrentValue+"'"
                oFormCtl.ApplyFilter = True
                oFormCtl.ApplyFilter = False
             end if
          end if
          exit sub
            resume next

End Sub

function doUpdateRecord( aDataForm as variant, aNew as boolean ) as boolean
   doUpdateRecord = FALSE
      if aNew then
      end if
   doUpdateRecord = True
end function
In the List Content field in the Data tab of the combobox properties I have the code

Code: Select all

I hope that this is enough information to see what the problem is. If it isn't, please let me know and I will be happy to provide more.
OpenOffice 4.1.2
Windows 10 Home Edition
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