Assign a shortcut for a macro

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For sharing working examples of macros / scripts. These can be in any script language supported by [Basic, Python, Netbean] or as source code files in Java or C# even - but requires the actual source code listing. This section is not for asking questions about writing your own macros.
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Joined: Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:40 pm

Assign a shortcut for a macro

Post by JeJe »

OpenOffice's F5 only calls the first macro in a module.

This will allow you to assign a temporary shortcut to any macro.

Code: Select all

'Written with the help of code from AltSearch extension.
Sub setMacroShortcut(applicationOrDocument,libraryname, Modulename, subOrFunctionName,modifiers, keycode)
	dim i as long,st as string, ky as new

	objModuleCfgMgrSupplier = createUnoService("")
'	ModuleCfgMgr = objModuleCfgMgrSupplier.getUIConfigurationManager("")
	ModuleCfgMgr = objModuleCfgMgrSupplier.getUIConfigurationManager("")
	ShortCutMgr = ModuleCfgMgr.getShortCutManager
	ky.keycode =keycode
	ky.modifiers = modifiers
	allevents = ModuleCfgMgr.getShortCutManager.getAllKeyEvents
	for i = 0 to ubound(allevents)
		with allevents(i)
			if .modifiers = modifiers and .keycode = keycode then 			'.keyfunc
				ShortCutMgr.removeKeyEvent ky
				exit for
			end if

		end with

	' ""
	st = "" & libraryname &  "." & Modulename & "." & subOrFunctionName & "?language=Basic&location="  & applicationOrDocument
	ShortCutMgr.setkeyevent ky,st

End Sub

Keycode constants and modifier constants are here: ... t/Key.html ... ifier.html

Example call:

setMacroShortcut "application","JeTest", "Module1","Test2", &h2,519 'Ctrl + h
Windows 10, Openoffice 4.1.11, LibreOffice (x64)
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