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Convert Text to SRT subtitle format

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 5:05 pm
by Robert Tucker
If you have the script for a talk or song edited so that you have a paragraph in a Writer document for each subtitle, this macro will produce an .srt styled document making the assumption that the speaker or singer is talking or singing at a constant character per second rate.

Code: Select all

REM  *****  BASIC  *****

Sub Text2SRT
 Dim oDoc as Object
 Dim oTextEnum As Object
 Dim oTextElement As Object
 Dim oText As Object
 Dim nAllChars as Integer
 Dim nLnChars as Integer
 Dim nStrStTime as String
 Dim nStTime as Single
 Dim nStrEndTime as String
 Dim nEndTime as Single
 Dim nVidTime as Single
 Dim nLnTime as Single
 Dim LnString as String
 Dim nStrLnStTime as String
 Dim nStrLnTime as String
 Dim nStrLnEndTime as String
 Dim n as Integer

     oDoc = ThisComponent

     nStrStTime  = InputBox("Start time of video in seconds:")
     nStTime = Val(nStrStTime)
     nStrEndTime  = InputBox("End time of video in seconds:")
     nEndTime = Val(nStrEndTime)
     nVidTime = nEndTime - nStTime

     oText = thisComponent.getText     
     oTextEnum =oText.createEnumeration  

     nAllChars = oDoc.CharacterCount

     nLnStTime = nStTime
     While oTextEnum.hasMoreElements()
     n = n + 1
     oTextElement = oTextEnum.nextElement()
     LnString = oTextElement.string
     nLnChars = Len(oTextElement.string)
     nLnTime = nVidTime*(nLnChars/nAllChars)
     nLnEndTime = nLNStTime + nLnTime
     nLETms = FIX(nLnEndTime * 1000)
     nLSTms = FIX(nLnStTime * 1000)
     ooFmt = "00"
     oooFmt = "000"
     nLEThh = FIX(nLETms / (60 * 60 * 1000))
     nLETmm = FIX(nLETms / (60 * 1000) - (NLEThh * 60))
     nLETss = FIX((nLETms / 1000) - (nLEThh * 60 * 60) - (nLETmm * 60))
     nLETtt = FIX(nLETms - (nLEThh * 1000 * 60 * 60) - (nLETmm * 1000 * 60) - (nLETss * 1000))
     nLSThh = FIX(nLSTms / (60 * 60 * 1000))
     nLSTmm = FIX(nLSTms / (60 * 1000) - (nLSThh * 60))
     nLSTss = FIX((nLSTms / 1000) - (nLSThh * 60 * 60) - (nLSTmm * 60))
     nLSTtt = FIX(nLSTms - (nLSThh * 1000 * 60 * 60) - (nLSTmm * 1000 * 60) - (nLSTss * 1000))
     nStrLnStTime = CStr(FORMAT(nLSThh, ooFmt))&":"&CStr(FORMAT(nLSTmm, ooFmt))&":"&CStr(FORMAT(nLSTss, ooFmt))&","&CStr(FORMAT(nLSTtt, oooFmt))
     nStrLnEndTime = CStr(FORMAT(nLEThh, ooFmt))&":"&CStr(FORMAT(nLETmm, ooFmt))&":"&CStr(FORMAT(nLETss, ooFmt))&","&CStr(FORMAT(nLETtt, oooFmt))
     If n =1 then
     oTextElement.string = CStr(n)&chr(13)&CStr(nStrLnStTime)&" --> "&CStr(nStrLnEndTime)&chr(13)&CStr(LnString)&chr(13)
     oTextElement.string = CStr(n)&chr(13)&CStr(nStrLnStTime)&" --> "&CStr(nStrLnEndTime)&chr(13)&CStr(LnString)
     End if
     nLnStTime = nLnEndTime

End Sub