[BASIC] Object-Oriented Programming

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Re: [BASIC] Object-Oriented Programming

Post by eminkovitch »


Now that I've coded successfully :bravo: using the object-oriented methodology, naturally a question arises :?: - can I export classes so that they can be shared between applications? It seems that copying and pasting a class into MyMacros / Standard library, where subs and functions are visible to all applications, does not work for classes. Can anyone share any insight on this?

Thanks in advance,
OpenOffice 4.1.3 on Windows 8, Leonovo laptop with 5GB ram and 1Ghz dual-core processor
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Re: [BASIC] Object-Oriented Programming

Post by Zizi64 »

Can you upload your sample code here??
Tibor Kovacs, Hungary; LO7.5.8 /Win7-10 x64Prof.
PortableApps/winPenPack: LO3.3.0-7.6.2;AOO4.1.14
Please, edit the initial post in the topic: add the word [Solved] at the beginning of the subject line - if your problem has been solved.
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Re: [BASIC] Object-Oriented Programming

Post by eminkovitch »

This is a class that works inside a CALC application, I am looking to make it available to all CALC applications:

Code: Select all

REM ****************************************************************************
REM *** Class Cell Annotations
REM ***
REM *** Purpose: (a) Creates comments in a selected CALC cell 
REM ***          (b) deletes a comment from selected CALC cell
REM ***
REM *** Parent Class: PracticeTime
REM *** Child Class(es): N/A
REM ***
REM ****************************************************************************

Option Compatible
Option ClassModule

Option Explicit

REM ============================================================================
REM === Private variables

private _AnnotationText as string

REM ============================================================================
REM === Constructor & Destructor
REM ===

private sub Class_Initialize()
	_AnnotationText = getCellComment()
end sub

private sub Class_Terminate()
	_AnnotationText = ""
end sub

REM ============================================================================
REM === Set private variables

Public Property Let AnnotationText (ByVal pValue As String)
   _AnnotationText = pValue
End Property

REM ============================================================================
REM === Get private variables

Public Property Get AnnotationText As String
   AnnotationText = _AnnotationText
End Property

REM ============================================================================
REM ===  Public  Methods
REM ===

REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------
REM --- Set text, shape, transparency and color of _Annotation (comment)
REM ---   for a selected cell
REM --- Project# P002m
REM ---
public Sub setCellComment
	dim oDoc,oSheet,oCell,oCellAddr,oAnnotations,_
		oAnnotation,oAnnotationShape as object
	dim lenComment,widthBox as integer
	oDoc = ThisComponent  
	oSheet= oDoc.getcurrentcontroller.activesheet 
	oCell = oDoc.getCurrentSelection

	lenComment = len( _AnnotationText )
	if lenComment > 0 then
		select case lenComment
			case > 501:
				widthBox = 12000
			case 251 to 500:
				widthBox = 10000
			case 101 to 250:
				widthBox = 8000
			case 51 to 100:
				widthBox = 6000
			case 0 to 50:
				widthBox = 4000
		end select
		oCellAddr = oCell.getCellAddress
		oAnnotations = oSheet.getAnnotations
		'/Create a new _Annotation to the active cell
		oAnnotations.insertNew(oCellAddr, _AnnotationText)
		'/Get the newly created _Annotation for modify properties
		oAnnotation = oCell.getAnnotation
		'/Set it "allways visible":
		oAnnotation.setIsVisible false

		'/Set color, transparence, fill style, inner margin
		oAnnotationShape = oAnnotation.getAnnotationShape
		oAnnotationShape.FillBackground = True
		oAnnotationShape.FillColor = RGB(251, 246, 99)
		oAnnotationShape.FillStyle = 1 '(0: nothing; 1: solid color; 2: gradient; 3: lined)
		oAnnotationShape.FillTransparence = 15
		oAnnotationShape.TextLeftDistance  = 200
		oAnnotationShape.TextLowerDistance = 200
		oAnnotationShape.TextRightDistance = 200
		oAnnotationShape.TextUpperDistance = 200
		'/Set size of the _Annotation
		Dim aSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
		asize.Height = 1000
		asize.Width  = widthBox
		oAnnotationShape.Size = asize
		oAnnotationShape.SizeProtect = False
		'/Set absolute position of the _Annotation
		'Dim apoint As New com.sun.star.awt.Point
		'apoint.x = 1000
		'apoint.y = 1000
		'oAnnotationShape.setPosition apoint 
	end if

End Sub

REM ============================================================================
REM ===  Private  Methods
REM ===

REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------
REM --- Read the _Annotation from selected cell
REM ---
private function getCellComment()
	getCellComment = ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection().getAnnotation().string
end function

private sub deleteComments
	dim document   as object
	dim dispatcher as object
	document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
	dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
	dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	args1(0).Name = "Flags"
	args1(0).Value = "N"
	dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Delete", "", 0, args1())
end sub
OpenOffice 4.1.3 on Windows 8, Leonovo laptop with 5GB ram and 1Ghz dual-core processor
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Re: [BASIC] Object-Oriented Programming

Post by JeJe »

If you mean you want the class instance to be available from another library - you can put a function in a neighbouring module in the library where the class module is. Something like:

function getClassModuleInstance()
dim classinstance as new yourclassname
getClassModuleInstance = classinstance
end function

then you can call it from code in another library with:

classinstance= getClassModuleInstance()

(this is already asked/discussed earlier in this thread)
Windows 10, Openoffice 4.1.11, LibreOffice (x64)
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