[BASIC] Advanced printing macro's

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Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:50 pm

[BASIC] Advanced printing macro's

Post by zenlord »

New round of my printing macro's. Features:
1. Select output trays
2. Select background on/off (usefull to print on stationary)
3. Convert a letter to PDF and attach it to a new e-mail
4. Select printer (NEW)

To use these macro's as-is (at your own risk, of course), just c/p the code to your document, make a few buttons and assign them to the macro's fax_close, mail_close, etc. and import the dialog that I have attached (not possible due to unsupported extension - just design a simple dialog with a listbox and an 'OK'-button).

Code: Select all

Removed (see post below)
If you can help me with adding some error handling, that would be nice ;)
Last edited by zenlord on Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
LibreOffice 4.1 on Linux (Debian Wheezy backports)
Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:50 pm

Re: [BASIC] Advanced printing macro's

Post by zenlord »

Added ErrorHandling, rewrote some comments, added insertDTstampLastPage:

Newer version down below!

Code: Select all

'Version 2.0 (11 okt 2012)
'Added simple ErrorHandler and rewrote comments

REM  *****  BASIC  *****

Sub Main
	REM Set backgroundImage-option in DocumentSettings to True
	DIM oDoc, oSettings AS Object
	oSettings = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.DocumentSettings")
	oSettings.PrintPageBackground = TRUE
End Sub


' ------------------------------
' This macro closes the current document
' Written by Andrew Pitonyak (2010)
' Adapted by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub closeDocument(oDoc AS Object)
	REM Check if the document exists
	If IsNull(oDoc) Then
		Exit Sub
	End If

	REM Store the document if it was modified
	If (oDoc.isModified) Then
	  If (oDoc.hasLocation AND (Not oDoc.isReadOnly)) Then
	  End If
	End If

	REM Close the document
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' Written by Andrew Pitonyak the Great
' Used in the Date-time-functions
' ------------------------------
Function FindCreateNumberFormatStyle ( sFormat As String, Optional doc, Optional locale)
	Dim oDoc As Object
	Dim aLocale As New com.sun.star.lang.Locale
	Dim oFormats As Object
	Dim formatNum As Integer
	oDoc = IIf(IsMissing(doc), ThisComponent, doc)
	oFormats = oDoc.getNumberFormats()
	'If you choose to query on types, you need to use the type
	'I could set the locale from values stored at
	'I use a NULL locale and let it use whatever it likes.
	'First, see if the number format exists
	If ( Not IsMissing(locale)) Then
	aLocale = locale
	End If
	formatNum = oFormats.queryKey (sFormat, aLocale, TRUE)
	'MsgBox "Current Format number is" & formatNum
	'If the number format does not exist then add it
	If (formatNum = -1) Then
	formatNum = oFormats.addNew(sFormat, aLocale)
	If (formatNum = -1) Then formatNum = 0
	'   MsgBox "new Format number is " & formatNum
	End If
	FindCreateNumberFormatStyle = formatNum
End Function


' ------------------------------
' This macro inserts a 'DATE/TIME'-stamp with sActionText
' like 'Printed' or 'Sent'
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub InsertDTstampFirstPage(sActionText)
	DIM oCursor, oText, oDoc AS Object
	oDoc = ThisComponent
	oText = oDoc.getText()
	oCursor = oText.createTextCursor()

	REM Create the date and time objects
	DIM oDate, oTime AS Object
	oDate = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
	oDate.IsFixed = TRUE
	oDate.IsDate = TRUE
	oDate.NumberFormat = FindCreateNumberFormatStyle("D MMMM JJJJ", oDoc)
	oTime = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
	oTime.IsFixed = True
	oTime.IsDate = False
	oTime.NumberFormat = FindCreateNumberFormatStyle("UU:MM", oDoc)

	REM Create the frame
	DIM oFrameDT AS Object
	oFrameDT = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextFrame")
	With oFrameDT
	.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PAGE
	.HoriOrient = com.sun.star.text.HoriOrientation.NONE
	.VertOrient = com.sun.star.text.VertOrientation.NONE
	.HoriOrientPosition = -4200
	.VertOrientPosition = -4000
	.width = 4000
	.height = 1500
	.BorderDistance = 100
	End With

	REM Insert the frame into the text document
	oText.insertTextContent( oCursor, oFrameDT, True )

	REM Write the text inside the frame
	DIM oCursor2 AS Object
	oCursor2 = oFrameDT.createTextCursor()
	With oCursor2
	.charHeight = 13
	.charWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD
	.paraAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.CENTER
	End With

	oFrameDT.insertString( oCursor2, sActionText, False )

	With oCursor2
	.charHeight = 9
	.charWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.NORMAL
	.paraAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.CENTER
	End With

	oFrameDT.insertControlCharacter( oCursor2, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, False )
	oFrameDT.insertTextContent( oCursor2, oDate, False )

	oFrameDT.insertControlCharacter( oCursor2, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.LINE_BREAK, False )
	oFrameDT.insertTextContent( oCursor2, oTime, False )
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro inserts a 'DATE/TIME'-stamp with sActionText
' like 'Printed', 'Copy', 'Books' or 'Sent'
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Sub InsertDTstampLastPage(sActionText)
	DIM oCursor, oText, oDoc AS Object
	oDoc = ThisComponent
	oText = oDoc.getText()
	oCursor = oText.createTextCursor()

	REM Create the date and time objects
	DIM oDate, oTime AS Object
	oDate = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
	oDate.IsFixed = TRUE
	oDate.IsDate = TRUE
	oDate.NumberFormat = FindCreateNumberFormatStyle("D MMMM JJJJ", oDoc)
	oTime = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
	oTime.IsFixed = True
	oTime.IsDate = False
	oTime.NumberFormat = FindCreateNumberFormatStyle("UU:MM", oDoc)

	REM Create the frame
	DIM oFrameDT AS Object
	oFrameDT = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextFrame")
	With oFrameDT
	.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PAGE
	.HoriOrient = com.sun.star.text.HoriOrientation.NONE
	.VertOrient = com.sun.star.text.VertOrientation.NONE
	.HoriOrientPosition = -4200
	.VertOrientPosition = -2500
	.width = 4000
	.height = 1500
	.BorderDistance = 100
	End With

	REM Insert the frame into the text document
	oText.insertTextContent( oCursor, oFrameDT, True )

	REM Write the text inside the frame
	DIM oCursor2 AS Object
	oCursor2 = oFrameDT.createTextCursor()
	With oCursor2
	.charHeight = 13
	.charWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD
	.paraAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.CENTER
	End With

	oFrameDT.insertString( oCursor2, sActionText, False )

	With oCursor2
	.charHeight = 9
	.charWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.NORMAL
	.paraAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.CENTER
	End With

	oFrameDT.insertControlCharacter( oCursor2, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, False )
	oFrameDT.insertTextContent( oCursor2, oDate, False )

	oFrameDT.insertControlCharacter( oCursor2, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.LINE_BREAK, False )
	oFrameDT.insertTextContent( oCursor2, oTime, False )
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro removes the 'DATE/TIME'-stamp created with
' the previous macro
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub RemoveDTstamp()
	DIM oDoc, oTextFrames, oFrameDT AS Object
	oDoc = ThisComponent

	REM Look for the datetimestamp-frame and remove it
	oTextFrames = oDoc.getTextFrames
	If oTextFrames.hasByName("FrameDT") Then
		oFrameDT = oTextFrames.getByName("FrameDT")
End Sub


' ------------------------------
' This macro shows a dialog with a list of all installed printers on your system.
' Ideally, the dialog closes after a selection has been made
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Function ShowListPrinters
	DIM aPrinterNames

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	aPrinterNames = GetAllPrinterNames()

	d = CreateUnoDialog(DialogLibraries.Standard.dlgListPrinters)
		d.setTitle("Selecteer printer")
		l = d.getControl("ListPrinters")
		l.getModel().StringItemList = aPrinterNames
		l.selectItemPos( 0, true )
		list = d.getModel().getByName("ListPrinters")
		result = list.StringItemList(list.SelectedItems(0))
	ShowListPrinters = result

Exit Function
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Function

' ------------------------------
' This macro returns an array with a list of all installed printers. It is possible
' that it doesn't work on older (pre OOo3.5) versions of OOo / LO
' Written by Niklas Nebel (cited by Andrew Pitonyak)
' Adapted very slightly by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Function GetAllPrinterNames()
	DIM oPrintServer ' The print server service.
	DIM oCore        ' Get classes and other objects by name.
	DIM oClass       ' XPrinterServer class object.
	DIM oMethod      ' getPrinterNames method from the XPrinterServer class.

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	' Create the object that will not be directly usable until OOo 3.5.
	oPrintServer = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.awt.PrinterServer")
	oCore = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.reflection.CoreReflection")

	' Get the class object for the XPrinterServer interface.
	oClass = oCore.forName("com.sun.star.awt.XPrinterServer")

	' Get the getPrinterNames method for the XPrinterServer class.
	oMethod = oClass.getMethod("getPrinterNames")

	' Call the getPrinterNames method on the PrinterServer object.
	GetAllPrinterNames = oMethod.invoke(oPrintServer, Array())

Exit Function
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Function 


' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a given page without the background(-image) to the
' papertray holding the pre-printed (first-page-)stationary:
' you can set an image as a background, that you don't want to print,
' but that you want to show up when converted to PDF.
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_stat_first(iPageNr, sPrinter)
	DIM sTray AS String
	DIM bBg AS Boolean
	sTray = "Tray2"
	bBg = False
	printPage(sTray, bBg, iPageNr, sPrinter)
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a given page without the background(-image) to the
' papertray holding the pre-printed (other-page-)stationary:
' you can set an image as a background, that you don't want to print,
' but that you want to show up when converted to PDF.
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_stat_rest(iPageNr, sPrinter)
	DIM sTray AS String
	DIM bBg AS Boolean
	sTray = "Tray1"
	bBg = False
	printPage(sTray, bBg, iPageNr, sPrinter)
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a given page without the background(-image) to the
' papertray holding plain paper, for example to keep in your own file
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_plain(iPageNr, sPrinter)
	DIM sTray AS String
	DIM bBg AS Boolean
	sTray = "Tray1"
	bBg = False
	printPage(sTray, bBg, iPageNr, sPrinter)
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a given page with the background(-image) to the
' papertray holding plain paper, for example to keep in your official books
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_plain_with_background(iPageNr, sPrinter)
	DIM sTray AS String
	DIM bBg AS Boolean
	sTray = "Tray1"
	bBg = True
	printPage(sTray, bBg, iPageNr, sPrinter)
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a specified page given the chosen parameters
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2010)
' ------------------------------
Sub printPage(sTray, bBg, sPageNr AS String, sPrinter)
	DIM oDoc AS Object
	oDoc = ThisComponent

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	REM Set backgroundImage-option in DocumentSettings to False
	DIM oSettings AS Object
	oSettings = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.DocumentSettings")
	oSettings.PrintPageBackground = bBg

	REM Set the chosen printer
	DIM mPrinterOpts(2) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	mPrinterOpts(0).Name = "Name"
	'mPrinterOpts(0).Value = "MFC8880DN"
	mPrinterOpts(0).Value = sPrinter
	mPrinterOpts(1).Name = "PaperFormat"
	mPrinterOpts(1).Value = com.sun.star.view.PaperFormat.A4
	mPrinterOpts(2).Name = "PaperOrientation"
	mPrinterOpts(2).Value = com.sun.star.view.PaperOrientation.PORTRAIT
	oDoc.Printer = mPrinterOpts()

	REM set Papertray in Styles
	DIM oStyle, oViewCursor, oPageStyleName, oPageStyles AS Object
	DIM iPageNr AS Integer
	iPageNr = sPageNr
	oViewCursor = oDoc.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
	oViewCursor.JumpToPage(iPageNr, false) 
	oPageStyleName = oViewCursor.PageStyleName
	oPageStyles = oDoc.StyleFamilies.getByName("PageStyles")
	oStyle = oPageStyles.getByName(oPageStyleName)
	'If the printer has but one tray, comment the next line out:
	oStyle.PrinterPaperTray = sTray

	REM Set printOptions
	DIM mPrintOpts(3) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	mPrintOpts(0).Name = "CopyCount"
	mPrintOpts(0).Value = 1
	mPrintOpts(1).Name = "Collate"
	mPrintOpts(1).Value = True
	mPrintOpts(2).Name = "Pages"
	mPrintOpts(2).Value = sPageNr
	mPrintOpts(3).Name = "Wait"
	mPrintOpts(3).Value = True

	REM Print

	REM Set backgroundImage-option in DocumentSettings to True
	oSettings = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.DocumentSettings")
	oSettings.PrintPageBackground = True

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints the complete document given the chosen parameters
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2010)
' ------------------------------
Sub printDoc(sTray, bBg, sPrinter)
	DIM oDoc AS Object
	oDoc = ThisComponent

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	REM Set backgroundImage-option in DocumentSettings to False
	DIM oSettings AS Object
	oSettings = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.DocumentSettings")
	oSettings.PrintPageBackground = bBg

	REM Set the chosen printer
	DIM mPrinterOpts(2) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	mPrinterOpts(0).Name = "Name"
	'mPrinterOpts(0).Value = "MFC8880DN"
	mPrinterOpts(0).Value = sPrinter
	mPrinterOpts(1).Name = "PaperFormat"
	mPrinterOpts(1).Value = com.sun.star.view.PaperFormat.A4
	mPrinterOpts(2).Name = "PaperOrientation"
	mPrinterOpts(2).Value = com.sun.star.view.PaperOrientation.PORTRAIT
	oDoc.Printer = mPrinterOpts()

	REM set Papertray in Styles
	DIM oStyle, oViewCursor, oPageStyleName, oPageStyles AS Object
	DIM iPageNr AS Integer
	iPageNr = sPageNr
	oViewCursor = oDoc.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
	oViewCursor.JumpToPage(iPageNr, false) 
	oPageStyleName = oViewCursor.PageStyleName
	oPageStyles = oDoc.StyleFamilies.getByName("PageStyles")
	oStyle = oPageStyles.getByName(oPageStyleName)
	'If the printer has but one tray, comment the next line out:
	oStyle.PrinterPaperTray = sTray

	REM Set printOptions
	DIM mPrintOpts(2) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	mPrintOpts(0).Name = "CopyCount"
	mPrintOpts(0).Value = 1
	mPrintOpts(1).Name = "Collate"
	mPrintOpts(1).Value = True
	mPrintOpts(2).Name = "Wait"
	mPrintOpts(2).Value = True

	REM Print

	REM Set backgroundImage-option in DocumentSettings to True
	oSettings = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.DocumentSettings")
	oSettings.PrintPageBackground = True

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub


' ------------------------------
' This macro prints the document once to stationary and exits
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Fax_close()
	DIM oDoc, oCursor, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM I don't know why the next 3 lines are here - probably leftovers from a precious version
	'oText	= oDoc.getText()
	'oCursor	= oText.createTextCursor()

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print stat
	REM Print the first page
	Print_stat_first(1, sPrinter)

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	n = 2
	While n <= iPageCount
		Print_stat_rest(n, sPrinter)
		n = n + 1

	REM Save and close the document

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a copy of the document, sends the 
' document to the default email app as a PDF and exits
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Mail_close()
	DIM oDoc, oCursor, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print copy
	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	Dim sActionText AS String
	sActionText = "VERZONDEN"

	REM Print the page
	REM Loop over every page
	n = 1
	Do Until n > iPageCount
		Print_plain(n, sPrinter)
		n = n + 1

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

'Create PDF
	REM Replace .odt with .pdf
	sDocURL = oDoc.getURL()
	sPDFURL = Left$(sDocURL,Len(sDocURL)-4) + ".pdf"

	REM Save as PDF
	DIM args(0) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	args(0).Name = "FilterName"
	args(0).Value = "writer_pdf_Export"

'Send to mailapp
	REM Get the values of the textfields inside the document to form the subject line
	DIM enuTF, aTextField AS Object
	DIM sDosName, sDosNum, sDosUref, sTo, sSubject AS String
	enuTF = oDoc.TextFields.createEnumeration
		Do While enuTF.hasMoreElements
		aTextField = enuTF.nextElement
			if aTextField.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextField.Input") then
				Select Case aTextField.getPropertyValue("Hint")
					Case "briefBetreft":
						sDosName = aTextField.getPropertyValue("Content")
					Case "briefOnzeReferte":
						sDosNum = aTextField.getPropertyValue("Content")
					Case "briefUwReferte":
						sDosUref = aTextField.getPropertyValue("Content")
					Case "verzendingsadres":
						sTo = aTextField.getPropertyValue("Content")
				End Select
			end if
	sSubject = sDosName + " - " + sDosUref + " - " + sDosNum

	REM Send the PDF as an attachment
	DIM MailClient, MailAgent, MailMessage AS Object
	'On linux systems, use SimpleCommandMail
	MailAgent = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.system.SimpleCommandMail")
	'On windows systems, use SimpleSystemMail
	'MailAgent = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.system.SimpleSystemMail")
	MailClient = MailAgent.querySimpleMailClient()
	MailClient.sendSimpleMailMessage(MailMessage, 0)

	REM Save and close the document

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

Sub Letter_close()
' ------------------------------
' This macro prints the document once to stationary, once as a copy and exits
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
	DIM oDoc, oCursor, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print stat
	REM Print the first page
	Print_stat_first(1, sPrinter)

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	n = 2
	While n <= iPageCount
		Print_stat_rest(n, sPrinter)
		n = n + 1

'Print copy
	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	Dim sActionText AS String
	sActionText = "KOPIE"

	REM Print the page
	REM Loop over every page
	n = 1
	Do Until n > iPageCount
		Print_plain(n, sPrinter)
		n = n + 1
	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

	REM Save and close the document

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

Sub Letter_recommended_close()
' ------------------------------
' This macro prints the document twice to stationary, once as a copy and exits
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
	DIM oDoc, oCursor, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print stat
	REM Print the first page
	Print_stat_first(1, sPrinter)

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	n = 2
	While n <= iPageCount
		Print_stat_rest(n, sPrinter)
		n = n + 1

'Print stat second
	REM Print the first page
	Print_stat_first(1, sPrinter)

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	n = 2
	While n <= iPageCount
		Print_stat_rest(n, sPrinter)
		n = n + 1

'Print copy
	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	Dim sActionText AS String
	sActionText = "AANGETEKEND"

	REM Print the page
	REM Loop over every page
	n = 1
	Do Until n > iPageCount
		Print_plain(n, sPrinter)
		n = n + 1
	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

	REM Save and close the document

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a copy of the document, and makes a 
' PDF-doc with copy-stamp
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_copy()
	DIM oDoc, oCursor, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print copy
	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	Dim sActionText AS String
	sActionText = "KOPIE"

	REM Print the page
	REM Loop over every page
	n = 1
	Do Until n > iPageCount
		Print_plain(n, sPrinter)
		n = n + 1

'Create PDF
	REM Replace .odt with _cp.pdf
	sDocURL = oDoc.getURL()
	sPDFURL = Left$(sDocURL,Len(sDocURL)-4) + "_cp.pdf"

	REM Save as PDF
	DIM args(0) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	args(0).Name = "FilterName"
	args(0).Value = "writer_pdf_Export"

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub
Last edited by zenlord on Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
LibreOffice 4.1 on Linux (Debian Wheezy backports)
Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:50 pm

Re: [BASIC] Advanced printing macro's

Post by zenlord »

Thx to Bmarcelly, I have added the option 'Explicit', which in turn revealed some small errors that are now fixed:

Newer version down below!

Code: Select all

'Version 2.0.1 (12 okt 2012)
' Thanks To Bernard Marcelly, I have added explicit declarations everywhere
'  and simplified the loops
'Version 2.0 (11 okt 2012)
' Added simple ErrorHandler and rewrote comments

REM  *****  BASIC  *****
Option Explicit

Sub Main
	REM Set backgroundImage-option in DocumentSettings to True
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oSettings AS Object
	oSettings = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.DocumentSettings")
	oSettings.PrintPageBackground = TRUE
End Sub


' ------------------------------
' This macro closes the current document
' Written by Andrew Pitonyak (2010)
' Adapted by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub closeDocument(oDoc AS Object)
	REM Check if the document exists
	If IsNull(oDoc) Then
		Exit Sub
	End If

	REM Store the document if it was modified
	If (oDoc.isModified) Then
	  If (oDoc.hasLocation AND (Not oDoc.isReadOnly)) Then
	  End If
	End If

	REM Close the document
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' Written by Andrew Pitonyak the Great
' Used in the Date-time-functions
' ------------------------------
Function FindCreateNumberFormatStyle ( sFormat As String, Optional doc, Optional locale)
	Dim oDoc As Object
	Dim aLocale As New com.sun.star.lang.Locale
	Dim oFormats As Object
	Dim formatNum As Integer
	oDoc = IIf(IsMissing(doc), ThisComponent, doc)
	oFormats = oDoc.getNumberFormats()
	'If you choose to query on types, you need to use the type
	'I could set the locale from values stored at
	'I use a NULL locale and let it use whatever it likes.
	'First, see if the number format exists
	If ( Not IsMissing(locale)) Then
	aLocale = locale
	End If
	formatNum = oFormats.queryKey (sFormat, aLocale, TRUE)
	'MsgBox "Current Format number is" & formatNum
	'If the number format does not exist then add it
	If (formatNum = -1) Then
	formatNum = oFormats.addNew(sFormat, aLocale)
	If (formatNum = -1) Then formatNum = 0
	'   MsgBox "new Format number is " & formatNum
	End If
	FindCreateNumberFormatStyle = formatNum
End Function


' ------------------------------
' This macro inserts a 'DATE/TIME'-stamp with sActionText
' like 'Printed' or 'Sent'
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub InsertDTstampFirstPage(sActionText AS String)
	DIM oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object, oDoc AS Object
	oDoc = ThisComponent
	oText = oDoc.getText()
	oCursor = oText.createTextCursor()

	REM Create the date and time objects
	DIM oDate AS Object, oTime AS Object
	oDate = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
	oDate.IsFixed = TRUE
	oDate.IsDate = TRUE
	oDate.NumberFormat = FindCreateNumberFormatStyle("D MMMM JJJJ", oDoc)
	oTime = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
	oTime.IsFixed = True
	oTime.IsDate = False
	oTime.NumberFormat = FindCreateNumberFormatStyle("UU:MM", oDoc)

	REM Create the frame
	DIM oFrameDT AS Object
	oFrameDT = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextFrame")
	With oFrameDT
	.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PAGE
	.HoriOrient = com.sun.star.text.HoriOrientation.NONE
	.VertOrient = com.sun.star.text.VertOrientation.NONE
	.HoriOrientPosition = -4200
	.VertOrientPosition = -4000
	.width = 4000
	.height = 1500
	.BorderDistance = 100
	End With

	REM Insert the frame into the text document
	oText.insertTextContent( oCursor, oFrameDT, True )

	REM Write the text inside the frame
	DIM oCursor2 AS Object
	oCursor2 = oFrameDT.createTextCursor()
	With oCursor2
	.charHeight = 13
	.charWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD
	.paraAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.CENTER
	End With

	oFrameDT.insertString( oCursor2, sActionText, False )

	With oCursor2
	.charHeight = 9
	.charWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.NORMAL
	.paraAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.CENTER
	End With

	oFrameDT.insertControlCharacter( oCursor2, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, False )
	oFrameDT.insertTextContent( oCursor2, oDate, False )

	oFrameDT.insertControlCharacter( oCursor2, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.LINE_BREAK, False )
	oFrameDT.insertTextContent( oCursor2, oTime, False )
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro inserts a 'DATE/TIME'-stamp with sActionText
' like 'Printed', 'Copy', 'Books' or 'Sent'
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Sub InsertDTstampLastPage(sActionText AS String)
	DIM oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object, oDoc AS Object
	oDoc = ThisComponent
	oText = oDoc.getText()
	oCursor = oText.createTextCursor()

	REM Create the date and time objects
	DIM oDate AS Object, oTime AS Object
	oDate = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
	oDate.IsFixed = TRUE
	oDate.IsDate = TRUE
	oDate.NumberFormat = FindCreateNumberFormatStyle("D MMMM JJJJ", oDoc)
	oTime = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
	oTime.IsFixed = True
	oTime.IsDate = False
	oTime.NumberFormat = FindCreateNumberFormatStyle("UU:MM", oDoc)

	REM Create the frame
	DIM oFrameDT AS Object
	oFrameDT = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextFrame")
	With oFrameDT
	.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PAGE
	.HoriOrient = com.sun.star.text.HoriOrientation.NONE
	.VertOrient = com.sun.star.text.VertOrientation.NONE
	.HoriOrientPosition = -4200
	.VertOrientPosition = -4000
	.width = 4000
	.height = 1500
	.BorderDistance = 100
	End With

	REM Insert the frame into the text document
	oText.insertTextContent( oCursor, oFrameDT, True )

	REM Write the text inside the frame
	DIM oCursor2 AS Object
	oCursor2 = oFrameDT.createTextCursor()
	With oCursor2
	.charHeight = 13
	.charWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD
	.paraAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.CENTER
	End With

	oFrameDT.insertString( oCursor2, sActionText, False )

	With oCursor2
	.charHeight = 9
	.charWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.NORMAL
	.paraAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.CENTER
	End With

	oFrameDT.insertControlCharacter( oCursor2, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, False )
	oFrameDT.insertTextContent( oCursor2, oDate, False )

	oFrameDT.insertControlCharacter( oCursor2, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.LINE_BREAK, False )
	oFrameDT.insertTextContent( oCursor2, oTime, False )
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro removes the 'DATE/TIME'-stamp created with
' the previous macro
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub RemoveDTstamp()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oTextFrames AS Object, oFrameDT AS Object
	oDoc = ThisComponent

	REM Look for the datetimestamp-frame and remove it
	oTextFrames = oDoc.getTextFrames
	If oTextFrames.hasByName("FrameDT") Then
		oFrameDT = oTextFrames.getByName("FrameDT")
End Sub


' ------------------------------
' This macro shows a dialog with a list of all installed printers on your system.
' Ideally, the dialog closes after a selection has been made
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Function ShowListPrinters
	DIM aPrinterNames(10)
	DIM d AS Object, l AS Object, list AS Object, result(10)

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	aPrinterNames = GetAllPrinterNames()

	d = CreateUnoDialog(DialogLibraries.Standard.dlgListPrinters)
		d.setTitle("Selecteer printer")
		l = d.getControl("ListPrinters")
		l.getModel().StringItemList = aPrinterNames
		l.selectItemPos( 0, true )
		list = d.getModel().getByName("ListPrinters")
		result = list.StringItemList(list.SelectedItems(0))
	ShowListPrinters = result

Exit Function
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Function

' ------------------------------
' This macro returns an array with a list of all installed printers. It is possible
' that it doesn't work on older (pre OOo3.5) versions of OOo / LO
' Written by Niklas Nebel (cited by Andrew Pitonyak)
' Adapted very slightly by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Function GetAllPrinterNames()
	DIM oPrintServer AS Object ' The print server service.
	DIM oCore AS Object        ' Get classes and other objects by name.
	DIM oClass AS Object       ' XPrinterServer class object.
	DIM oMethod AS Object      ' getPrinterNames method from the XPrinterServer class.

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	' Create the object that will not be directly usable until OOo 3.5.
	oPrintServer = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.awt.PrinterServer")
	oCore = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.reflection.CoreReflection")

	' Get the class object for the XPrinterServer interface.
	oClass = oCore.forName("com.sun.star.awt.XPrinterServer")

	' Get the getPrinterNames method for the XPrinterServer class.
	oMethod = oClass.getMethod("getPrinterNames")

	' Call the getPrinterNames method on the PrinterServer object.
	GetAllPrinterNames = oMethod.invoke(oPrintServer, Array())

Exit Function
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Function 


' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a given page without the background(-image) to the
' papertray holding the pre-printed (first-page-)stationary:
' you can set an image as a background, that you don't want to print,
' but that you want to show up when converted to PDF.
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_stat_first(iPageNr AS Integer, sPrinter AS String)
	DIM sTray AS String
	DIM bBg AS Boolean
	sTray = "Tray2"
	bBg = False
	printPage(sTray, bBg, iPageNr, sPrinter)
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a given page without the background(-image) to the
' papertray holding the pre-printed (other-page-)stationary:
' you can set an image as a background, that you don't want to print,
' but that you want to show up when converted to PDF.
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_stat_rest(iPageNr AS Integer, sPrinter AS String)
	DIM sTray AS String
	DIM bBg AS Boolean
	sTray = "Tray1"
	bBg = False
	printPage(sTray, bBg, iPageNr, sPrinter)
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a given page without the background(-image) to the
' papertray holding plain paper, for example to keep in your own file
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_plain(iPageNr AS Integer, sPrinter AS String)
	DIM sTray AS String
	DIM bBg AS Boolean
	sTray = "Tray1"
	bBg = False
	printPage(sTray, bBg, iPageNr, sPrinter)
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a given page with the background(-image) to the
' papertray holding plain paper, for example to keep in your official books
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_plain_with_background(iPageNr AS Integer, sPrinter AS String)
	DIM sTray AS String
	DIM bBg AS Boolean
	sTray = "Tray1"
	bBg = True
	printPage(sTray, bBg, iPageNr, sPrinter)
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a specified page given the chosen parameters
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2010)
' ------------------------------
Sub printPage(sTray AS String, bBg AS Boolean, sPageNr AS String, sPrinter AS String)
	DIM oDoc AS Object
	oDoc = ThisComponent

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	REM Set backgroundImage-option in DocumentSettings to False
	DIM oSettings AS Object
	oSettings = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.DocumentSettings")
	oSettings.PrintPageBackground = bBg

	REM Set the chosen printer
	DIM mPrinterOpts(2) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	mPrinterOpts(0).Name = "Name"
	mPrinterOpts(0).Value = sPrinter
	mPrinterOpts(1).Name = "PaperFormat"
	mPrinterOpts(1).Value = com.sun.star.view.PaperFormat.A4
	mPrinterOpts(2).Name = "PaperOrientation"
	mPrinterOpts(2).Value = com.sun.star.view.PaperOrientation.PORTRAIT
	oDoc.Printer = mPrinterOpts()

	REM cast sPageNr as a integer
	DIM iPageNr AS Integer
	iPageNr = sPageNr

	REM set Papertray in Styles
	DIM oStyle AS Object, oViewCursor AS Object, sPageStyleName AS String
	oViewCursor = oDoc.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
	sPageStyleName = oViewCursor.PageStyleName
	oStyle = oDoc.StyleFamilies.getByName("PageStyles").getByName(sPageStyleName)
	'If the printer has but one tray, comment the next line out:
	oStyle.PrinterPaperTray = sTray

	REM Set printOptions
	DIM mPrintOpts(3) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	mPrintOpts(0).Name = "CopyCount"
	mPrintOpts(0).Value = 1
	mPrintOpts(1).Name = "Collate"
	mPrintOpts(1).Value = True
	mPrintOpts(2).Name = "Pages"
	mPrintOpts(2).Value = sPageNr
	mPrintOpts(3).Name = "Wait"
	mPrintOpts(3).Value = True

	REM Print or Debug
'	MsgBox sPageNr + " / " + sPageStyleName
'	Xray oViewCursor

	REM Set backgroundImage-option in DocumentSettings to True
	oSettings = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.DocumentSettings")
	oSettings.PrintPageBackground = True
Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub


' ------------------------------
' This macro prints the document once to stationary and exits
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Fax_close()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String
	DIM sActionText AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print stat
	REM Print the first page
	Print_stat_first(1, sPrinter)

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 2 to iPageCount
		Print_stat_rest(n, sPrinter)

	REM Save and close the document

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a copy of the document, sends the 
' document to the default email app as a PDF and exits
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Mail_close()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String
	DIM sActionText AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print copy
	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	sActionText = "VERZONDEN"

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 1 to iPageCount
		Print_plain(n, sPrinter)

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

'Create PDF
	REM Replace .odt with .pdf
	DIM sDocURL AS String, sPDFURL AS String
	sDocURL = oDoc.getURL()
	sPDFURL = Left$(sDocURL,Len(sDocURL)-4) + ".pdf"

	REM Save as PDF
	DIM args(0) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	args(0).Name = "FilterName"
	args(0).Value = "writer_pdf_Export"

'Send to mailapp
	REM Get the values of the textfields inside the document to form the subject line
	DIM enuTF AS Object, aTextField AS Object
	DIM sDosName AS String, sDosNum AS String, sDosUref AS String, sTo AS String, sSubject AS String
	enuTF = oDoc.TextFields.createEnumeration
		Do While enuTF.hasMoreElements
		aTextField = enuTF.nextElement
			if aTextField.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextField.Input") then
				Select Case aTextField.getPropertyValue("Hint")
					Case "briefBetreft":
						sDosName = aTextField.getPropertyValue("Content")
					Case "briefOnzeReferte":
						sDosNum = aTextField.getPropertyValue("Content")
					Case "briefUwReferte":
						sDosUref = aTextField.getPropertyValue("Content")
					Case "verzendingsadres":
						sTo = aTextField.getPropertyValue("Content")
				End Select
			end if
	sSubject = sDosName + " - " + sDosUref + " - " + sDosNum

	REM Send the PDF as an attachment
	DIM MailClient AS Object, MailAgent AS Object, MailMessage AS Object
	'On linux systems, use SimpleCommandMail
	MailAgent = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.system.SimpleCommandMail")
	'On windows systems, use SimpleSystemMail
	'MailAgent = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.system.SimpleSystemMail")
	MailClient = MailAgent.querySimpleMailClient()
	MailClient.sendSimpleMailMessage(MailMessage, 0)

	REM Save and close the document

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints the document once to stationary, once as a copy and exits
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Letter_close()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String
	DIM sActionText AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print stat
	REM Print the first page
	Print_stat_first(1, sPrinter)

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 2 to iPageCount
		Print_stat_rest(n, sPrinter)

'Print copy
	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	sActionText = "KOPIE"

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 1 to iPageCount
		Print_plain(n, sPrinter)

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

	REM Save and close the document

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints the document twice to stationary, once as a copy and exits
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Letter_recommended_close()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String
	DIM sActionText AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print stat
	REM Print the first page
	Print_stat_first(1, sPrinter)

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 2 to iPageCount
		Print_stat_rest(n, sPrinter)

'Print stat second
	REM Print the first page
	Print_stat_first(1, sPrinter)

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 2 to iPageCount
		Print_stat_rest(n, sPrinter)

'Print copy
	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	sActionText = "KOPIE"

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 1 to iPageCount
		Print_plain(n, sPrinter)

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

	REM Save and close the document

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a copy of the document, and makes a 
' PDF-doc with copy-stamp
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_copy()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String
	DIM sActionText AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print copy
	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	sActionText = "KOPIE"

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 1 to iPageCount
		Print_plain(n, sPrinter)

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

'Create PDF
	REM Replace .odt with _cp.pdf
	DIM sDocURL AS String, sPDFURL AS String
	sDocURL = oDoc.getURL()
	sPDFURL = Left$(sDocURL,Len(sDocURL)-4) + "_cp.pdf"

	REM Save as PDF
	DIM args(0) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	args(0).Name = "FilterName"
	args(0).Value = "writer_pdf_Export"

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub
Last edited by zenlord on Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
LibreOffice 4.1 on Linux (Debian Wheezy backports)
Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:50 pm

Re: [BASIC] Advanced printing macro's

Post by zenlord »

Development has been ongoing the past two weeks, and a new function has been added 'SmartClose' - you now only need two buttons: one to print and send out the document and one to print an extra copy of the letter. I also copied/wrote two functions to get the contents of an input-field / userinput-field and used that in the set of macro's:

Newer version below!

Code: Select all

'Version 2.1 (19 okt 2012)
' Thanks To JohnV, I have added new functions to get the contents of (user)inputfields
' and applied them in a new 'Smart_close' -function that chooses
'  automatically, based on the contents of a certain inputfield, how the
'  letter should be printed / sent
'Version 2.0.1 (12 okt 2012)
' Thanks To Bernard Marcelly, I have added explicit declarations everywhere
'  and simplified the loops
'Version 2.0 (11 okt 2012)
' Added simple ErrorHandler and rewrote comments

REM  *****  BASIC  *****
Option Explicit

Sub Main
	REM Set backgroundImage-option in DocumentSettings to True
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oSettings AS Object
	oSettings = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.DocumentSettings")
	oSettings.PrintPageBackground = TRUE
End Sub


' ------------------------------
' This macro closes the current document
' Written by Andrew Pitonyak (2010)
' Adapted by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub closeDocument(oDoc AS Object)
	REM Check if the document exists
	If IsNull(oDoc) Then
		Exit Sub
	End If

	REM Store the document if it was modified
	If (oDoc.isModified) Then
	  If (oDoc.hasLocation AND (Not oDoc.isReadOnly)) Then
	  End If
	End If

	REM Close the document
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' Written by Andrew Pitonyak the Great
' Used in the Date-time-functions
' ------------------------------
Function FindCreateNumberFormatStyle ( sFormat As String, Optional doc, Optional locale)
	Dim oDoc As Object
	Dim aLocale As New com.sun.star.lang.Locale
	Dim oFormats As Object
	Dim formatNum As Integer
	oDoc = IIf(IsMissing(doc), ThisComponent, doc)
	oFormats = oDoc.getNumberFormats()
	'If you choose to query on types, you need to use the type
	'I could set the locale from values stored at
	'I use a NULL locale and let it use whatever it likes.
	'First, see if the number format exists
	If ( Not IsMissing(locale)) Then
	aLocale = locale
	End If
	formatNum = oFormats.queryKey (sFormat, aLocale, TRUE)
	'MsgBox "Current Format number is" & formatNum
	'If the number format does not exist then add it
	If (formatNum = -1) Then
	formatNum = oFormats.addNew(sFormat, aLocale)
	If (formatNum = -1) Then formatNum = 0
	'   MsgBox "new Format number is " & formatNum
	End If
	FindCreateNumberFormatStyle = formatNum
End Function


' ------------------------------
' This macro inserts a 'DATE/TIME'-stamp with sActionText
' like 'Printed' or 'Sent'
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub InsertDTstampFirstPage(sActionText AS String)
	DIM oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object, oDoc AS Object
	DIM oViewCursor AS Object
	oDoc = ThisComponent
	oViewCursor = oDoc.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
	oText = oDoc.getText()
	oCursor = oText.createTextCursor()
'	oCursor.goToEnd(FALSE)
	oCursor.goToRange( oViewCursor, FALSE )

	REM Create the date and time objects
	DIM oDate AS Object, oTime AS Object
	oDate = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
	oDate.IsFixed = TRUE
	oDate.IsDate = TRUE
	oDate.NumberFormat = FindCreateNumberFormatStyle("D MMMM JJJJ", oDoc)
	oTime = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
	oTime.IsFixed = True
	oTime.IsDate = False
	oTime.NumberFormat = FindCreateNumberFormatStyle("UU:MM", oDoc)

	REM Create the frame
	DIM oFrameDT AS Object
	oFrameDT = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextFrame")
	With oFrameDT
	.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PAGE
	.HoriOrient = com.sun.star.text.HoriOrientation.NONE
	.VertOrient = com.sun.star.text.VertOrientation.NONE
	.HoriOrientPosition = -4200
	.VertOrientPosition = -3500
	.width = 4000
	.height = 1500
	.BorderDistance = 100
	End With

	REM Insert the frame into the text document
	oText.insertTextContent( oCursor, oFrameDT, True )

	REM Write the text inside the frame
	DIM oCursor2 AS Object
	oCursor2 = oFrameDT.createTextCursor()
	With oCursor2
	.charHeight = 13
	.charWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD
	.paraAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.CENTER
	End With

	oFrameDT.insertString( oCursor2, sActionText, False )

	With oCursor2
	.charHeight = 9
	.charWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.NORMAL
	.paraAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.CENTER
	End With

	oFrameDT.insertControlCharacter( oCursor2, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, False )
	oFrameDT.insertTextContent( oCursor2, oDate, False )

	oFrameDT.insertControlCharacter( oCursor2, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.LINE_BREAK, False )
	oFrameDT.insertTextContent( oCursor2, oTime, False )
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro inserts a 'DATE/TIME'-stamp with sActionText
' like 'Printed', 'Copy', 'Books' or 'Sent'
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Sub InsertDTstampLastPage(sActionText AS String)
	DIM oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object, oDoc AS Object
	DIM oViewCursor AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer
	oDoc = ThisComponent
	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

	REM Position the cursor
	oViewCursor = oDoc.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
	oText = oDoc.getText()
	oCursor = oText.createTextCursor()
'	oCursor.goToEnd(FALSE)
	oCursor.goToRange( oViewCursor, FALSE )

	REM Create the date and time objects
	DIM oDate AS Object, oTime AS Object
	oDate = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
	oDate.IsFixed = TRUE
	oDate.IsDate = TRUE
	oDate.NumberFormat = FindCreateNumberFormatStyle("D MMMM JJJJ", oDoc)
	oTime = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
	oTime.IsFixed = True
	oTime.IsDate = False
	oTime.NumberFormat = FindCreateNumberFormatStyle("UU:MM", oDoc)

	REM Create the frame
	DIM oFrameDT AS Object
	oFrameDT = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextFrame")
	With oFrameDT
	.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PAGE
	.HoriOrient = com.sun.star.text.HoriOrientation.NONE
	.VertOrient = com.sun.star.text.VertOrientation.NONE
	.HoriOrientPosition = -4200
	.VertOrientPosition = -3500
	.width = 4000
	.height = 1500
	.BorderDistance = 100
	End With

	REM Insert the frame into the text document
	oText.insertTextContent( oCursor, oFrameDT, True )

	REM Write the text inside the frame
	DIM oCursor2 AS Object
	oCursor2 = oFrameDT.createTextCursor()
	With oCursor2
	.charHeight = 13
	.charWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD
	.paraAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.CENTER
	End With

	oFrameDT.insertString( oCursor2, sActionText, False )

	With oCursor2
	.charHeight = 9
	.charWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.NORMAL
	.paraAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.CENTER
	End With

	oFrameDT.insertControlCharacter( oCursor2, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, False )
	oFrameDT.insertTextContent( oCursor2, oDate, False )

	oFrameDT.insertControlCharacter( oCursor2, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.LINE_BREAK, False )
	oFrameDT.insertTextContent( oCursor2, oTime, False )
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro removes the 'DATE/TIME'-stamp created with
' the previous macro
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub RemoveDTstamp()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oTextFrames AS Object, oFrameDT AS Object
	oDoc = ThisComponent

	REM Look for the datetimestamp-frame and remove it
	oTextFrames = oDoc.getTextFrames
	If oTextFrames.hasByName("FrameDT") Then
		oFrameDT = oTextFrames.getByName("FrameDT")
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro returns the content of a certain userinputfield
' Written by JohnV @ http://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/ (2012)
' Adapted slightly by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Function GetInputUserField( sInputHint AS String )
	DIM oDoc AS Object, enuTF AS Object, aTextField AS Object
	DIM sInputContent AS String
	oDoc = ThisComponent

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	enuTF = oDoc.TextFields.createEnumeration
	Do While enuTF.hasMoreElements
		aTextField = enuTF.nextElement
		If aTextField.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextField.InputUser") Then
			If aTextField.Content = sInputHint Then
				sInputContent = aTextField.Anchor.String

	GetInputField = sInputContent
Exit Function
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Function

' ------------------------------
' This macro returns the content of a certain inputfield
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Function GetInputField( sInputHint AS String )
	DIM oDoc AS Object, enuTF AS Object, aTextField AS Object
	DIM sInputContent AS String
	oDoc = ThisComponent

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	enuTF = oDoc.TextFields.createEnumeration
	Do While enuTF.hasMoreElements
		aTextField = enuTF.nextElement
		If aTextField.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextField.Input") Then
			If aTextField.getPropertyValue("Hint") = sInputHint Then
				sInputContent = aTextField.getPropertyValue("Content")

	GetInputField = sInputContent
Exit Function
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Function


' ------------------------------
' This macro shows a dialog with a list of all installed printers on your system.
' Ideally, the dialog closes after a selection has been made
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Function ShowListPrinters
	DIM aPrinterNames(10)
	DIM d AS Object, l AS Object, list AS Object, result(10)

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	aPrinterNames = GetAllPrinterNames()

	d = CreateUnoDialog(DialogLibraries.Standard.dlgListPrinters)
		d.setTitle("Selecteer printer")
		l = d.getControl("ListPrinters")
		l.getModel().StringItemList = aPrinterNames
		l.selectItemPos( 0, true )
		list = d.getModel().getByName("ListPrinters")
		result = list.StringItemList(list.SelectedItems(0))
	ShowListPrinters = result

Exit Function
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Function

' ------------------------------
' This macro returns an array with a list of all installed printers. It is possible
' that it doesn't work on older (pre OOo3.5) versions of OOo / LO
' Written by Niklas Nebel (cited by Andrew Pitonyak)
' Adapted very slightly by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Function GetAllPrinterNames()
	DIM oPrintServer AS Object ' The print server service.
	DIM oCore AS Object        ' Get classes and other objects by name.
	DIM oClass AS Object       ' XPrinterServer class object.
	DIM oMethod AS Object      ' getPrinterNames method from the XPrinterServer class.

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	' Create the object that will not be directly usable until OOo 3.5.
	oPrintServer = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.awt.PrinterServer")
	oCore = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.reflection.CoreReflection")

	' Get the class object for the XPrinterServer interface.
	oClass = oCore.forName("com.sun.star.awt.XPrinterServer")

	' Get the getPrinterNames method for the XPrinterServer class.
	oMethod = oClass.getMethod("getPrinterNames")

	' Call the getPrinterNames method on the PrinterServer object.
	GetAllPrinterNames = oMethod.invoke(oPrintServer, Array())

Exit Function
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Function 


' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a given page without the background(-image) to the
' papertray holding the pre-printed (first-page-)stationary:
' you can set an image as a background, that you don't want to print,
' but that you want to show up when converted to PDF.
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_stat_first(iPageNr AS Integer, sPrinter AS String)
	DIM sTray AS String
	DIM bBg AS Boolean
	sTray = "Tray2"
	bBg = False
	printPage(sTray, bBg, iPageNr, sPrinter)
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a given page without the background(-image) to the
' papertray holding the pre-printed (other-page-)stationary:
' you can set an image as a background, that you don't want to print,
' but that you want to show up when converted to PDF.
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_stat_rest(iPageNr AS Integer, sPrinter AS String)
	DIM sTray AS String
	DIM bBg AS Boolean
	sTray = "Tray1"
	bBg = False
	printPage(sTray, bBg, iPageNr, sPrinter)
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a given page without the background(-image) to the
' papertray holding plain paper, for example to keep in your own file
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_plain(iPageNr AS Integer, sPrinter AS String)
	DIM sTray AS String
	DIM bBg AS Boolean
	sTray = "Tray1"
	bBg = False
	printPage(sTray, bBg, iPageNr, sPrinter)
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a given page with the background(-image) to the
' papertray holding plain paper, for example to keep in your official books
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_plain_with_background(iPageNr AS Integer, sPrinter AS String)
	DIM sTray AS String
	DIM bBg AS Boolean
	sTray = "Tray1"
	bBg = True
	printPage(sTray, bBg, iPageNr, sPrinter)
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a specified page given the chosen parameters
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2010)
' ------------------------------
Sub printPage(sTray AS String, bBg AS Boolean, sPageNr AS String, sPrinter AS String)
	DIM oDoc AS Object
	oDoc = ThisComponent

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	REM Set backgroundImage-option in DocumentSettings to False
	DIM oSettings AS Object
	oSettings = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.DocumentSettings")
	oSettings.PrintPageBackground = bBg

	REM Set the chosen printer
	DIM mPrinterOpts(2) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	mPrinterOpts(0).Name = "Name"
	mPrinterOpts(0).Value = sPrinter
	mPrinterOpts(1).Name = "PaperFormat"
	mPrinterOpts(1).Value = com.sun.star.view.PaperFormat.A4
	mPrinterOpts(2).Name = "PaperOrientation"
	mPrinterOpts(2).Value = com.sun.star.view.PaperOrientation.PORTRAIT
	oDoc.Printer = mPrinterOpts()

	REM cast sPageNr as a integer
	DIM iPageNr AS Integer
	iPageNr = sPageNr

	REM set Papertray in Styles
	DIM oStyle AS Object, oViewCursor AS Object, sPageStyleName AS String
	oViewCursor = oDoc.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
	sPageStyleName = oViewCursor.PageStyleName
	oStyle = oDoc.StyleFamilies.getByName("PageStyles").getByName(sPageStyleName)
	'If the printer has but one tray, comment the next line out:
	oStyle.PrinterPaperTray = sTray

	REM Set printOptions
	DIM mPrintOpts(3) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	mPrintOpts(0).Name = "CopyCount"
	mPrintOpts(0).Value = 1
	mPrintOpts(1).Name = "Collate"
	mPrintOpts(1).Value = True
	mPrintOpts(2).Name = "Pages"
	mPrintOpts(2).Value = sPageNr
	mPrintOpts(3).Name = "Wait"
	mPrintOpts(3).Value = True

	REM Print or Debug
'	MsgBox sPageNr + " / " + sPageStyleName
'	Xray oViewCursor

	REM Set backgroundImage-option in DocumentSettings to True
	oSettings = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.DocumentSettings")
	oSettings.PrintPageBackground = True
Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub


' ------------------------------
' This macro chooses automatically how the document should be printed, 
' based on the value of the inputfield 'verzendingswijze'
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Sub Smart_close()
	DIM oDoc AS Object
	DIM sHow AS String
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	REM Get content of inputfield
	sHow = GetInputField( "verzendingswijze" )

'Perform action
	Select Case sHow
		Case "per e-mail: ":
			MsgBox "Verzendingswijze: e-mail"
		Case "per fax: ":
			MsgBox "Verzendingswijze: fax"
		Case "per aangetekende post en per gewone post":
			MsgBox "Verzendingswijze: aangetekende brief"
		Case "":
			MsgBox "Verzendingswijze: gewone brief"
		Case Else:
			MsgBox "Verzendingswijze '" + sHow + "' niet gekend - ik doe niks!"
	End Select

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints the document once to stationary and exits
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Fax_close()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String
	DIM sActionText AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print stat
	REM Print the first page
	Print_stat_first(1, sPrinter)

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 2 to iPageCount
		Print_stat_rest(n, sPrinter)

	REM Save and close the document

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a copy of the document, sends the 
' document to the default email app as a PDF and exits
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Mail_close()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String
	DIM sActionText AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print copy
	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	sActionText = "VERZONDEN"

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 1 to iPageCount
		Print_plain(n, sPrinter)

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

'Create PDF
	REM Replace .odt with .pdf
	DIM sDocURL AS String, sPDFURL AS String
	sDocURL = oDoc.getURL()
	sPDFURL = Left$(sDocURL,Len(sDocURL)-4) + ".pdf"

	REM Save as PDF
	DIM args(0) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	args(0).Name = "FilterName"
	args(0).Value = "writer_pdf_Export"

'Send to mailapp
	REM Get the values of the textfields inside the document to form the subject line
	DIM sDosName AS String, sDosNum AS String, sDosUref AS String, sTo AS String, sSubject AS String
	sDosName	= GetInputField( "briefBetreft" )
	sDosNum		= GetInputField( "briefOnzeReferte" )
	sDosUref	= GetInputField( "briefUwReferte" )
	sTo			= GetInputField( "verzendingsadres" )
	sSubject	= sDosName + " - " + sDosUref + " - " + sDosNum

	REM Send the PDF as an attachment
	DIM MailClient AS Object, MailAgent AS Object, MailMessage AS Object
	'On linux systems, use SimpleCommandMail
	MailAgent = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.system.SimpleCommandMail")
	'On windows systems, use SimpleSystemMail
	'MailAgent = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.system.SimpleSystemMail")
	MailClient = MailAgent.querySimpleMailClient()
	MailClient.sendSimpleMailMessage(MailMessage, 0)

	REM Save and close the document

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints the document once to stationary, once as a copy and exits
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Letter_close()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String
	DIM sActionText AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print stat
	REM Print the first page
	Print_stat_first(1, sPrinter)

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 2 to iPageCount
		Print_stat_rest(n, sPrinter)

'Print copy
	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	sActionText = "KOPIE"

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 1 to iPageCount
		Print_plain(n, sPrinter)

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

	REM Save and close the document

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints the document twice to stationary, once as a copy and exits
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Letter_recommended_close()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String
	DIM sActionText AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print stat
	REM Print the first page
	Print_stat_first(1, sPrinter)

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 2 to iPageCount
		Print_stat_rest(n, sPrinter)

'Print stat second
	REM Print the first page
	Print_stat_first(1, sPrinter)

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 2 to iPageCount
		Print_stat_rest(n, sPrinter)

'Print copy
	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	sActionText = "KOPIE"

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 1 to iPageCount
		Print_plain(n, sPrinter)

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

	REM Save and close the document

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a copy of the document, and makes a 
' PDF-doc with copy-stamp
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_copy()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String
	DIM sActionText AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print copy
	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	sActionText = "KOPIE"

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 1 to iPageCount
		Print_plain(n, sPrinter)

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

'Create PDF
	REM Replace .odt with _cp.pdf
	DIM sDocURL AS String, sPDFURL AS String
	sDocURL = oDoc.getURL()
	sPDFURL = Left$(sDocURL,Len(sDocURL)-4) + "_cp.pdf"

	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	sActionText = "KOPIE"

	REM Save as PDF
	DIM args(0) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	args(0).Name = "FilterName"
	args(0).Value = "writer_pdf_Export"

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub
Last edited by zenlord on Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
LibreOffice 4.1 on Linux (Debian Wheezy backports)
Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:50 pm

Re: [BASIC] Advanced printing macro's

Post by zenlord »

Version 2.2: added a function to automate the choice for the right mailsystem, depending on the operating system:

Code: Select all

'Version 2.2 (19 okt 2012)
' I have added a function getOS() to differentiate between windows-computers and other
' ones, to be able to automate the choice between simpleSystemMail and simpleCommandMail
'Version 2.1 (19 okt 2012)
' Thanks To JohnV, I have added new functions to get the contents of (user)inputfields
' and applied them in a new 'Smart_close' -function that chooses
'  automatically, based on the contents of a certain inputfield, how the
'  letter should be printed / sent
'Version 2.0.1 (12 okt 2012)
' Thanks To Bernard Marcelly, I have added explicit declarations everywhere
'  and simplified the loops
'Version 2.0 (11 okt 2012)
' Added simple ErrorHandler and rewrote comments

REM  *****  BASIC  *****
Option Explicit

Sub Main
	REM Set backgroundImage-option in DocumentSettings to True
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oSettings AS Object
	oSettings = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.DocumentSettings")
	oSettings.PrintPageBackground = TRUE
End Sub


' ------------------------------
' This macro displays the operating system on which the macro is run.
' The difference between OSX and UNIX might not be detected correctly
' Written by Heertsch
' ( http://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=26280&p=176535&hilit=operating#p137780 )
' ------------------------------
Function getOS() AS String
	Select Case getGUIType
		Case 1: getOS="WINDOWS"
		Case 3: getOS="MAC"
		Case 4: getOS=iif(instr(environ("PATH"),"/usr/local/bin")=0,"OSX","UNIX")
	End Select
End Function

' ------------------------------
' This macro closes the current document
' Written by Andrew Pitonyak (2010)
' Adapted by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub closeDocument(oDoc AS Object)
	REM Check if the document exists
	If IsNull(oDoc) Then
		Exit Sub
	End If

	REM Store the document if it was modified
	If (oDoc.isModified) Then
	  If (oDoc.hasLocation AND (Not oDoc.isReadOnly)) Then
	  End If
	End If

	REM Close the document
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' Written by Andrew Pitonyak the Great
' Used in the Date-time-functions
' ------------------------------
Function FindCreateNumberFormatStyle ( sFormat As String, Optional doc, Optional locale)
	Dim oDoc As Object
	Dim aLocale As New com.sun.star.lang.Locale
	Dim oFormats As Object
	Dim formatNum As Integer
	oDoc = IIf(IsMissing(doc), ThisComponent, doc)
	oFormats = oDoc.getNumberFormats()
	'If you choose to query on types, you need to use the type
	'I could set the locale from values stored at
	'I use a NULL locale and let it use whatever it likes.
	'First, see if the number format exists
	If ( Not IsMissing(locale)) Then
	aLocale = locale
	End If
	formatNum = oFormats.queryKey (sFormat, aLocale, TRUE)
	'MsgBox "Current Format number is" & formatNum
	'If the number format does not exist then add it
	If (formatNum = -1) Then
	formatNum = oFormats.addNew(sFormat, aLocale)
	If (formatNum = -1) Then formatNum = 0
	'   MsgBox "new Format number is " & formatNum
	End If
	FindCreateNumberFormatStyle = formatNum
End Function


' ------------------------------
' This macro inserts a 'DATE/TIME'-stamp with sActionText
' like 'Printed' or 'Sent'
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub InsertDTstampFirstPage(sActionText AS String)
	DIM oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object, oDoc AS Object
	DIM oViewCursor AS Object
	oDoc = ThisComponent
	oViewCursor = oDoc.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
	oText = oDoc.getText()
	oCursor = oText.createTextCursor()
'	oCursor.goToEnd(FALSE)
	oCursor.goToRange( oViewCursor, FALSE )

	REM Create the date and time objects
	DIM oDate AS Object, oTime AS Object
	oDate = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
	oDate.IsFixed = TRUE
	oDate.IsDate = TRUE
	oDate.NumberFormat = FindCreateNumberFormatStyle("D MMMM JJJJ", oDoc)
	oTime = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
	oTime.IsFixed = True
	oTime.IsDate = False
	oTime.NumberFormat = FindCreateNumberFormatStyle("UU:MM", oDoc)

	REM Create the frame
	DIM oFrameDT AS Object
	oFrameDT = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextFrame")
	With oFrameDT
	.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PAGE
	.HoriOrient = com.sun.star.text.HoriOrientation.NONE
	.VertOrient = com.sun.star.text.VertOrientation.NONE
	.HoriOrientPosition = -4200
	.VertOrientPosition = -3500
	.width = 4000
	.height = 1500
	.BorderDistance = 100
	End With

	REM Insert the frame into the text document
	oText.insertTextContent( oCursor, oFrameDT, True )

	REM Write the text inside the frame
	DIM oCursor2 AS Object
	oCursor2 = oFrameDT.createTextCursor()
	With oCursor2
	.charHeight = 13
	.charWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD
	.paraAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.CENTER
	End With

	oFrameDT.insertString( oCursor2, sActionText, False )

	With oCursor2
	.charHeight = 9
	.charWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.NORMAL
	.paraAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.CENTER
	End With

	oFrameDT.insertControlCharacter( oCursor2, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, False )
	oFrameDT.insertTextContent( oCursor2, oDate, False )

	oFrameDT.insertControlCharacter( oCursor2, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.LINE_BREAK, False )
	oFrameDT.insertTextContent( oCursor2, oTime, False )
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro inserts a 'DATE/TIME'-stamp with sActionText
' like 'Printed', 'Copy', 'Books' or 'Sent'
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Sub InsertDTstampLastPage(sActionText AS String)
	DIM oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object, oDoc AS Object
	DIM oViewCursor AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer
	oDoc = ThisComponent
	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

	REM Position the cursor
	oViewCursor = oDoc.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
	oText = oDoc.getText()
	oCursor = oText.createTextCursor()
'	oCursor.goToEnd(FALSE)
	oCursor.goToRange( oViewCursor, FALSE )

	REM Create the date and time objects
	DIM oDate AS Object, oTime AS Object
	oDate = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
	oDate.IsFixed = TRUE
	oDate.IsDate = TRUE
	oDate.NumberFormat = FindCreateNumberFormatStyle("D MMMM JJJJ", oDoc)
	oTime = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
	oTime.IsFixed = True
	oTime.IsDate = False
	oTime.NumberFormat = FindCreateNumberFormatStyle("UU:MM", oDoc)

	REM Create the frame
	DIM oFrameDT AS Object
	oFrameDT = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextFrame")
	With oFrameDT
	.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PAGE
	.HoriOrient = com.sun.star.text.HoriOrientation.NONE
	.VertOrient = com.sun.star.text.VertOrientation.NONE
	.HoriOrientPosition = -4200
	.VertOrientPosition = -3500
	.width = 4000
	.height = 1500
	.BorderDistance = 100
	End With

	REM Insert the frame into the text document
	oText.insertTextContent( oCursor, oFrameDT, True )

	REM Write the text inside the frame
	DIM oCursor2 AS Object
	oCursor2 = oFrameDT.createTextCursor()
	With oCursor2
	.charHeight = 13
	.charWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD
	.paraAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.CENTER
	End With

	oFrameDT.insertString( oCursor2, sActionText, False )

	With oCursor2
	.charHeight = 9
	.charWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.NORMAL
	.paraAdjust = com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.CENTER
	End With

	oFrameDT.insertControlCharacter( oCursor2, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, False )
	oFrameDT.insertTextContent( oCursor2, oDate, False )

	oFrameDT.insertControlCharacter( oCursor2, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.LINE_BREAK, False )
	oFrameDT.insertTextContent( oCursor2, oTime, False )
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro removes the 'DATE/TIME'-stamp created with
' the previous macro
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub RemoveDTstamp()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oTextFrames AS Object, oFrameDT AS Object
	oDoc = ThisComponent

	REM Look for the datetimestamp-frame and remove it
	oTextFrames = oDoc.getTextFrames
	If oTextFrames.hasByName("FrameDT") Then
		oFrameDT = oTextFrames.getByName("FrameDT")
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro returns the content of a certain userinputfield
' Written by JohnV @ http://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/ (2012)
' Adapted slightly by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Function GetInputUserField( sInputHint AS String )
	DIM oDoc AS Object, enuTF AS Object, aTextField AS Object
	DIM sInputContent AS String
	oDoc = ThisComponent

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	enuTF = oDoc.TextFields.createEnumeration
	Do While enuTF.hasMoreElements
		aTextField = enuTF.nextElement
		If aTextField.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextField.InputUser") Then
			If aTextField.Content = sInputHint Then
				sInputContent = aTextField.Anchor.String

	GetInputField = sInputContent
Exit Function
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Function

' ------------------------------
' This macro returns the content of a certain inputfield
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Function GetInputField( sInputHint AS String )
	DIM oDoc AS Object, enuTF AS Object, aTextField AS Object
	DIM sInputContent AS String
	oDoc = ThisComponent

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	enuTF = oDoc.TextFields.createEnumeration
	Do While enuTF.hasMoreElements
		aTextField = enuTF.nextElement
		If aTextField.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextField.Input") Then
			If aTextField.getPropertyValue("Hint") = sInputHint Then
				sInputContent = aTextField.getPropertyValue("Content")

	GetInputField = sInputContent
Exit Function
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Function


' ------------------------------
' This macro shows a dialog with a list of all installed printers on your system.
' Ideally, the dialog closes after a selection has been made
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Function ShowListPrinters
	DIM aPrinterNames(10)
	DIM d AS Object, l AS Object, list AS Object, result(10)

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	aPrinterNames = GetAllPrinterNames()

	d = CreateUnoDialog(DialogLibraries.Standard.dlgListPrinters)
		d.setTitle("Selecteer printer")
		l = d.getControl("ListPrinters")
		l.getModel().StringItemList = aPrinterNames
		l.selectItemPos( 0, true )
		list = d.getModel().getByName("ListPrinters")
		result = list.StringItemList(list.SelectedItems(0))
	ShowListPrinters = result

Exit Function
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Function

' ------------------------------
' This macro returns an array with a list of all installed printers. It is possible
' that it doesn't work on older (pre OOo3.5) versions of OOo / LO
' Written by Niklas Nebel (cited by Andrew Pitonyak)
' Adapted very slightly by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Function GetAllPrinterNames()
	DIM oPrintServer AS Object ' The print server service.
	DIM oCore AS Object        ' Get classes and other objects by name.
	DIM oClass AS Object       ' XPrinterServer class object.
	DIM oMethod AS Object      ' getPrinterNames method from the XPrinterServer class.

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	' Create the object that will not be directly usable until OOo 3.5.
	oPrintServer = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.awt.PrinterServer")
	oCore = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.reflection.CoreReflection")

	' Get the class object for the XPrinterServer interface.
	oClass = oCore.forName("com.sun.star.awt.XPrinterServer")

	' Get the getPrinterNames method for the XPrinterServer class.
	oMethod = oClass.getMethod("getPrinterNames")

	' Call the getPrinterNames method on the PrinterServer object.
	GetAllPrinterNames = oMethod.invoke(oPrintServer, Array())

Exit Function
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Function 


' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a given page without the background(-image) to the
' papertray holding the pre-printed (first-page-)stationary:
' you can set an image as a background, that you don't want to print,
' but that you want to show up when converted to PDF.
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_stat_first(iPageNr AS Integer, sPrinter AS String)
	DIM sTray AS String
	DIM bBg AS Boolean
	sTray = "Tray2"
	bBg = False
	printPage(sTray, bBg, iPageNr, sPrinter)
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a given page without the background(-image) to the
' papertray holding the pre-printed (other-page-)stationary:
' you can set an image as a background, that you don't want to print,
' but that you want to show up when converted to PDF.
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_stat_rest(iPageNr AS Integer, sPrinter AS String)
	DIM sTray AS String
	DIM bBg AS Boolean
	sTray = "Tray1"
	bBg = False
	printPage(sTray, bBg, iPageNr, sPrinter)
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a given page without the background(-image) to the
' papertray holding plain paper, for example to keep in your own file
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_plain(iPageNr AS Integer, sPrinter AS String)
	DIM sTray AS String
	DIM bBg AS Boolean
	sTray = "Tray1"
	bBg = False
	printPage(sTray, bBg, iPageNr, sPrinter)
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a given page with the background(-image) to the
' papertray holding plain paper, for example to keep in your official books
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_plain_with_background(iPageNr AS Integer, sPrinter AS String)
	DIM sTray AS String
	DIM bBg AS Boolean
	sTray = "Tray1"
	bBg = True
	printPage(sTray, bBg, iPageNr, sPrinter)
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a specified page given the chosen parameters
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2010)
' ------------------------------
Sub printPage(sTray AS String, bBg AS Boolean, sPageNr AS String, sPrinter AS String)
	DIM oDoc AS Object
	oDoc = ThisComponent

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	REM Set backgroundImage-option in DocumentSettings to False
	DIM oSettings AS Object
	oSettings = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.DocumentSettings")
	oSettings.PrintPageBackground = bBg

	REM Set the chosen printer
	DIM mPrinterOpts(2) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	mPrinterOpts(0).Name = "Name"
	mPrinterOpts(0).Value = sPrinter
	mPrinterOpts(1).Name = "PaperFormat"
	mPrinterOpts(1).Value = com.sun.star.view.PaperFormat.A4
	mPrinterOpts(2).Name = "PaperOrientation"
	mPrinterOpts(2).Value = com.sun.star.view.PaperOrientation.PORTRAIT
	oDoc.Printer = mPrinterOpts()

	REM cast sPageNr as a integer
	DIM iPageNr AS Integer
	iPageNr = sPageNr

	REM set Papertray in Styles
	DIM oStyle AS Object, oViewCursor AS Object, sPageStyleName AS String
	oViewCursor = oDoc.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
	sPageStyleName = oViewCursor.PageStyleName
	oStyle = oDoc.StyleFamilies.getByName("PageStyles").getByName(sPageStyleName)
	'If the printer has but one tray, comment the next line out:
	oStyle.PrinterPaperTray = sTray

	REM Set printOptions
	DIM mPrintOpts(3) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	mPrintOpts(0).Name = "CopyCount"
	mPrintOpts(0).Value = 1
	mPrintOpts(1).Name = "Collate"
	mPrintOpts(1).Value = True
	mPrintOpts(2).Name = "Pages"
	mPrintOpts(2).Value = sPageNr
	mPrintOpts(3).Name = "Wait"
	mPrintOpts(3).Value = True

	REM Print or Debug
'	MsgBox sPageNr + " / " + sPageStyleName
'	Xray oViewCursor

	REM Set backgroundImage-option in DocumentSettings to True
	oSettings = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.DocumentSettings")
	oSettings.PrintPageBackground = True
Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub


' ------------------------------
' This macro chooses automatically how the document should be printed, 
' based on the value of the inputfield 'verzendingswijze'
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2012)
' ------------------------------
Sub Smart_close()
	DIM oDoc AS Object
	DIM sHow AS String
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	REM Get content of inputfield
	sHow = GetInputField( "verzendingswijze" )

'Perform action
	Select Case sHow
		Case "per e-mail: ":
		'	MsgBox "Verzendingswijze: e-mail"
		Case "per fax: ":
		'	MsgBox "Verzendingswijze: fax"
		Case "per aangetekende post en per gewone post":
		'	MsgBox "Verzendingswijze: aangetekende brief"
		Case "":
		'	MsgBox "Verzendingswijze: gewone brief"
		Case Else:
			MsgBox "Verzendingswijze '" + sHow + "' niet gekend - ik doe niks!"
	End Select

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints the document once to stationary and exits
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Fax_close()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String
	DIM sActionText AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print stat
	REM Print the first page
	Print_stat_first(1, sPrinter)

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 2 to iPageCount
		Print_stat_rest(n, sPrinter)

	REM Save and close the document

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a copy of the document, sends the 
' document to the default email app as a PDF and exits
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Mail_close()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String
	DIM sActionText AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print copy
	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	sActionText = "VERZONDEN"

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 1 to iPageCount
		Print_plain(n, sPrinter)

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

'Create PDF
	REM Replace .odt with .pdf
	DIM sDocURL AS String, sPDFURL AS String
	sDocURL = oDoc.getURL()
	sPDFURL = Left$(sDocURL,Len(sDocURL)-4) + ".pdf"

	REM Save as PDF
	DIM args(0) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	args(0).Name = "FilterName"
	args(0).Value = "writer_pdf_Export"

'Send to mailapp
	REM Get the values of the textfields inside the document to form the subject line
	DIM sDosName AS String, sDosNum AS String, sDosUref AS String, sTo AS String, sSubject AS String
	sDosName	= GetInputField( "briefBetreft" )
	sDosNum		= GetInputField( "briefOnzeReferte" )
	sDosUref	= GetInputField( "briefUwReferte" )
	sTo			= GetInputField( "verzendingsadres" )
	sSubject	= sDosName + " - " + sDosUref + " - " + sDosNum

	REM Send the PDF as an attachment
	DIM MailClient AS Object, MailAgent AS Object, MailMessage AS Object
	'Define whether SimpleSystemMail or SimpleCommandMail should be used
	Select Case getOS
		Case "WINDOWS": MailAgent = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.system.SimpleSystemMail")
		Case Else: MailAgent = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.system.SimpleCommandMail")
	End Select

	'On linux systems, use SimpleCommandMail
	'MailAgent = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.system.SimpleCommandMail")
	'On windows systems, use SimpleSystemMail
	'MailAgent = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.system.SimpleSystemMail")
	MailClient = MailAgent.querySimpleMailClient()
	MailClient.sendSimpleMailMessage(MailMessage, 0)

	REM Save and close the document

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints the document once to stationary, once as a copy and exits
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Letter_close()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String
	DIM sActionText AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print stat
	REM Print the first page
	Print_stat_first(1, sPrinter)

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 2 to iPageCount
		Print_stat_rest(n, sPrinter)

'Print copy
	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	sActionText = "KOPIE"

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 1 to iPageCount
		Print_plain(n, sPrinter)

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

	REM Save and close the document

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints the document twice to stationary, once as a copy and exits
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Letter_recommended_close()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String
	DIM sActionText AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print stat
	REM Print the first page
	Print_stat_first(1, sPrinter)

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 2 to iPageCount
		Print_stat_rest(n, sPrinter)

'Print stat second
	REM Print the first page
	Print_stat_first(1, sPrinter)

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 2 to iPageCount
		Print_stat_rest(n, sPrinter)

'Print copy
	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	sActionText = "KOPIE"

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 1 to iPageCount
		Print_plain(n, sPrinter)

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

	REM Save and close the document

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub

' ------------------------------
' This macro prints a copy of the document, and makes a 
' PDF-doc with copy-stamp
' Written by Vincent Van Houtte (2011)
' ------------------------------
Sub Print_copy()
	DIM oDoc AS Object, oCursor AS Object, oText AS Object
	DIM iPageCount AS Integer, n AS Integer
	DIM sPage AS String
	DIM sPrinter AS String
	DIM sActionText AS String

	REM Initiate Errorhandler
	On error GoTo ErrorHandler

	sPrinter= ShowListPrinters()
	oDoc	= ThisComponent

	REM Count the amount of pages
	iPageCount = oDoc.getCurrentController().getPropertyValue("PageCount")

'Print copy
	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	sActionText = "KOPIE"

	REM Loop over every next page and print it
	For n = 1 to iPageCount
		Print_plain(n, sPrinter)

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

'Create PDF
	REM Replace .odt with _cp.pdf
	DIM sDocURL AS String, sPDFURL AS String
	sDocURL = oDoc.getURL()
	sPDFURL = Left$(sDocURL,Len(sDocURL)-4) + "_cp.pdf"

	REM Insert timestamp of sending
	sActionText = "KOPIE"

	REM Save as PDF
	DIM args(0) AS NEW com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	args(0).Name = "FilterName"
	args(0).Value = "writer_pdf_Export"

	REM Remove the copystamp-frame

Exit Sub
	MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"an error occurred" 
End Sub
Next projects:
1. Add hardcoded arrays for all known printers to include information about the availability of multiple trays (since this information cannot be fetched dynamically apparently)
2. Automating fax sending directly from the pc to the faxprinter
3. Center the dialog on screen to chose the printer (low priority)
4. Start testing a completely new range of macro's around PostgreSQL to record timestamps when the document was opened en closed again, in order to generate automated timesheets.
LibreOffice 4.1 on Linux (Debian Wheezy backports)
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