Wrapper for a code-beautifier

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Joined: Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:04 am

Wrapper for a code-beautifier

Post by Heertsch »

As a little "Thank You" for the answers in this forum I wrote a wrapper for a code-beautifer.
  • Target group: developers, which work with libraries
  • Purpose: backup your library with versioning, restore it and you get an index of contents of all your sub's and function's in the modules. After restore restart your IDE (=close and reopen) to see the changes.
  • Settings:
    • change the settings of sVersion as you like,
    • Library has to point to the name of the library, which is to backup
  • Further development: in vSourceLines(i) are the lines of your code. You can write your own function to change these lines (eg. to indent lines) and store it back to vSourceLines(i) (Do not restore the running module: it crashes IDE)
Here is the code: quick and dirty.
In the header of the code you see the result of a restoreModules (after a previous run of backupModules)
enjoy (but don't blame me, if it sets your machine on fire Image )

Code: Select all

'Index of Contents ================================== (start)
' 00012              sub Main
' 00022       Public Sub backupModules()
' 00056       Public Sub restoreModules()
' 00099 Private Function DetectSubOrFunction$(sLine$,iLineNr%)
' 00124  public Function getHomePath() as string
'Index of Contents ================================== (end)

global const sVersion="V 0.0 Build 0" 'change this for your needs (and use sVersion in your Help=>Info window) 
const Library$="Basal" 'use here your Library name
const SavePath="/SaveModules/" 'this is the directory relative to your doc, which contains the modules after backup

const Header="'Index of Contents =================================="

sub Main
end sub

'backup Modules from Library 
'and generate an index of contents as header
Public Sub backupModules()
  Dim vModuleNames as any, vModule as any,i%,j%,hFile%,sPath$,sContents$,vSourceLines
  const HeaderStart$=Header + " (start)" 'Start Header Line
  const HeaderEnd$=Header + " (end)"     'End Header Line
  sPath=getHomePath + SavePath +sVersion +"/"
  with ThisComponent.getLibraryContainer.getByName(Library).ModuleContainer
    for i=0 to uBound(vModuleNames)
      sContents=HeaderStart  + chr(10)
      for j=0 to Ubound(vSourceLines)
        sContents=sContents + DetectSubOrFunction(vSourceLines(j),j) 'make index of contents
      next j
      j=instr(vModule.Source, HeaderEnd)
      if j=0 then ' there is no index
      	sContents=sContents + HeaderEnd + chr(10) + chr(10) + vModule.Source
      else 'suppress old index
        sContents=sContents + mid(vModule.Source,j)
      open sPath+VModuleNames(i)+".bas" for output as hFile
      print #hFile, sContents
      close #hFile
    next i
  end with
  msgbox sVersion +" saved",0,"EndoTherm IDE"
end sub

'Import Modules (saved by backupModules())
Public Sub restoreModules()
  Dim vModuleNames as any, sModuleSavedNames$(),i%,hFile%,sPath$,sLine$,sSource$,sModuleName$,sHeader$
  Dim oProp(4) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
  sPath=getHomePath + SavePath + sVersion + "/"
  do while sModuleName<>""
  	Redim preserve sModuleSavedNames(i)
  with 	BasicLibraries.GetByName(Library) 'ThisComponent.getLibraryContainer.getByName(Library).ModuleContainer
    on error goto ErrHandler
    for i=0 to uBound(sModuleSavedNames)
      open sPath+sModuleSavedNames(i) for input as hFile
      do while not EOF(hFile)
        line input #hFile, sLine
        sSource=sSource + sLine + chr(10)
      close #hFile
      if instr(sSource,"Sub restoreModules()")=0 then 'skip this running Module 
        if .hasByName(sModuleName) then
    next i
  end with
  if i=0 then msgbox ("no files imported") else msgbox("Done: Restart IDE to see the changes")
  exit sub
  msgbox Err & " in Line "& Erl & ": "&Error,0
end sub

'Detect sub or function
Private Function DetectSubOrFunction$(sLine$,iLineNr%)
  Dim iPos%,sBeginLine$,iSpace%
  sLine=" "+sLine
  iPos=instr(LCase(sLine)," sub ")
  if iPos=0 then
    iPos=instr(LCase(sLine)," function ")
	if iPos=0 then exit function  
  if iSpace=0 then iSpace=13
  if instr(sBeginLine," end ")>0 then exit function
  if instr(sBeginLine,"'")>0 then exit function
  if instr(sBeginLine," rem ")>0 then exit function
  if instr(sBeginLine," exit ")>0 then exit function
  if instr(sBeginLine,"""")>0 then exit function
  if instr(sBeginLine," private ")>0 then iSpace=iSpace-8
  if instr(sBeginLine," public ")>0 then iSpace=iSpace-7
  DetectSubOrFunction="' "&Format(iLineNr,"00000")& space(iSpace) + sLine & chr(10)
end function

'return HomePath
public Function getHomePath() as string
  dim vPath,vPathComps
  vPath=ThisComponent.geturl()  'use directory of thisComponent as Registry Path
  vPath=left(vPath,Len(vPath)-Len(vPathComps(UBound(vPathComps)))) 'cutoff filename
end function
openOffice 3.2 on Windows 7 / Mac OSC 10.5 / Ubuntu 10.4
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