[Solved] Create pivot table with Basic macro

Creating a macro - Writing a Script - Using the API (OpenOffice Basic, Python, BeanShell, JavaScript)
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[Solved] Create pivot table with Basic macro

Post by bdonauba »


I have the need to create a pivot table with a macro. I'm quite far. My test macro creates the pivot table with filter and subtotals and so on. But the layout is not as expected. I can adjust it with the data pilot layout dialogue but it is the aim to automate the task. It has something to do with the virtual "data" field (that's the name I gave it). It is none of my columns.

If I drag it in the layout dialogue to "column fields" I get a horizontal orientation of my fields. If drag it in "row fields" I get an vertical alignment.

My questions are: How can I reference this "data" tag from my basic macro? How can I move it between "row fields" and "vertical fields" from my basic macro?

Here is my test macro. Perhaps it is useful for others trying to create pivot table via API:

Code: Select all

Sub makePivot

dim doc
doc = thisComponent
dim sheets
sheets = doc.Sheets

dim pivotSheetNameOverview as string

dim oController
oController = ThisComponent.CurrentController
dim oSheetObj
'oSheetObj = oController.ActiveSheet
oSheetObj = Sheets.getByName("Unvollständigmeldungen")

dim DataCellRange
DataCellRange = oSheetObj.getCellRangeByName("Unvollständigmeldungen.A:Unvollständigmeldungen.M")
dim RangeAddress
RangeAddress = DataCellRange.RangeAddress
dim Tables
Tables = oSheetObj.DataPilotTables()   'Tables has all the DataPilot Tables in the Active Sheet

'This part of the code just removes the table if it already exists. Prevents error from running the code several times
If Tables.hasByName(pivotSheetNameOverview) THEN 
End If

dim Descriptor
Descriptor = Tables.createDataPilotDescriptor()      'Descriptor contains the description of a DataPilot Table
Descriptor.setSourceRange(RangeAddress)     'RangeAddress is defined above to cover A1:C10       
Descriptor.ShowFilterButton = True                   'Don't show the Filter Button
Descriptor.IgnoreEmptyRows = True
Descriptor.RowGrand = true
Descriptor.ColumnGrand = false
Descriptor.DrillDownOnDoubleClick = true

dim fields
Fields = Descriptor.getDataPilotFields()          

dim fieldVerursacher
fieldVerursacher = Fields.getByIndex(3)   'The first column of the data range has index 0
fieldVerursacher.Orientation = com.sun.star.sheet.DataPilotFieldOrientation.ROW                                    
Dim generalFunctionSeqAuto(0) 
fieldVerursacher.Subtotals = generalFunctionSeqAuto

dim fieldGruppe
fieldVerursacher = Fields.getByIndex(4)   'The first column of the data range has index 0
fieldVerursacher.Orientation = com.sun.star.sheet.DataPilotFieldOrientation.ROW                                    

'dim fieldDaten
'fieldVerursacher = Fields.getByIndex(4)   'The first column of the data range has index 0
'fieldVerursacher.Orientation = com.sun.star.sheet.DataPilotFieldOrientation.ROW                                    

dim fieldABNummer
fieldABNummer = Fields.getByIndex(0)
fieldABNummer.Orientation = com.sun.star.sheet.DataPilotFieldOrientation.DATA
fieldABNummer.Function = com.sun.star.sheet.GeneralFunction.COUNT

dim fieldAktiv
fieldAktiv = Fields.getByIndex(12)
fieldAktiv.Orientation = com.sun.star.sheet.DataPilotFieldOrientation.DATA
fieldAktiv.Function = com.sun.star.sheet.GeneralFunction.SUM

if(Sheets.hasByName(pivotSheetNameOverview)) then
end if

dim sheet
sheets.insertNewByName(pivotSheetNameOverview, sheets.Count) 
Sheet = Sheets.getByName(pivotSheetNameOverview)

dim cell
Cell = sheet.getCellrangeByName("A1")
Tables.insertNewByName(pivotSheetNameOverview, Cell.CellAddress, Descriptor)

'dim names

dim hasElem

wait 2000

Dim table

dim filterDescription
filterDescription = table.getFilterDescriptor()
Dim filterFields(1) as New com.sun.star.sheet.TableFilterField

dim filterField

filterFields(0).Field = 3
filterFields(0).Operator = com.sun.star.sheet.FilterOperator.NOT_EMPTY
'filterFields(0).IsNumeric = False
'filterFields(0).NumericValue = 2
'filterFields(0).StringValue = ""

filterFields(1).Field = 3
filterFields(1).Operator = com.sun.star.sheet.FilterOperator.NOT_EQUAL
filterFields(1).IsNumeric = False
'filterFields(1).NumericValue = 2
filterFields(1).StringValue = "keiner"

filterDescription.FilterFields = FilterFields
wait 2000

setColWidth(0, 6, sheet)
setColWidth(1, 6, sheet)
setColWidth(2, 3, sheet)

End Sub
Last edited by Hagar Delest on Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: tagged [Solved].
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Re: create pivot table with basic macro

Post by gerard24 »

Try :

Code: Select all

oField = oTableDescr.getDataPilotFields().getByName("Data")
oField.Orientation = com.sun.star.sheet.DataPilotFieldOrientation.COLUMN
just before or after the "wait 2000"
LibreOffice 6.4.5 on Windows 10
Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:36 am

Re: Create pivot table with Basic macro

Post by bdonauba »

It worked.
Thank you for your help!
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