Problems removing erased entries when updated.

Creating a macro - Writing a Script - Using the API (OpenOffice Basic, Python, BeanShell, JavaScript)
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Problems removing erased entries when updated.

Post by shenphen »

Hi all - I have made an accounting spreadsheet with a sheet for each month and then an "accounts" sheet where all the entered data is collected into each respective account. I have a small problem with a macro. I can get it to retrieve data from other sheets and sort the data into correct "accounts". But if I remove some data, from the months sheets (for instance a faulty entered number), then this data is not removed from the accounts sheet when I press the update button.

Could someone please help fix this problem

Here is the code:

Code: Select all

ption Explicit ' All variables are declared explicitly in terms of "Dim".
Option Base 0   ' Each array indexing starts at zero

REM First, we list all auxiliary procedures

REM Collect data to temporary struct
REM key - array of some values on sheet "Jan"
REM (Are you sure that you want separate sheet for each month?)
REM Array key containe: string from your column H (category)
REM and other data for sheet Kontokort (Dato, Bilag nr., Tekst, Beløb)
REM aData - "indexed" array (each element containe "Kontonummer og navn"
REM and array with other data)
Sub AddToStruct(key As Variant, aData As Variant)
Dim l&, r&, m&, N&, i&
	While (l<r)	' "binary search" - it is very fast in the sorted array 
		If aData(m)(0)<key(0) Then 
	If r=N Then	' Not present - add to end of the temporary struct
		ReDim Preserve aData(0 To N)
		aData(N) = Array(key(0),Array(Array(key(1),key(2),key(3),key(4))))
	ElseIf  aData(r)(0)=key(0) Then	' is present - add new value
		AppendToArray(aData(r)(1), Array(key(1),key(2),key(3),key(4)))
	Else	' Insert in the middle of the structure
		ReDim Preserve aData(0 To N)
		For i = N-1 To r Step -1
		Next i
		aData(r) = Array(key(0),Array(Array(key(1),key(2),key(3),key(4))))
End Sub

REM It's not my procedure - this is "Listing 63. Append data to an array"
REM from "AndrewBase.odt" (
REM Here x is array {Dato, Bilag nr., Tekst, Beløb} 
Sub AppendToArray(oData As Variant, ByVal x As Variant)
  Dim iUB As Integer  'The upper bound of the array.
  Dim iLB As Integer  'The lower bound of the array.
  iUB = UBound(oData()) + 1
  iLB = LBound(oData())
  ReDim Preserve oData(iLB To iUB)
  oData(iUB) = x
End Sub

REM This function is not mine too. This is from the standard library Tools.
REM But there this function defined as Integer.
REM This means that if one day the number of rows in Jan exceeds 65,535 then macro will "break down".
REM So, I just copy it here and change type of result
Function GetLastUsedRow(oSheet as Object) As Long
Dim oCell As Object
Dim oCursor As Object
Dim aAddress As Variant
	oCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(0, 0)
	oCursor = oSheet.createCursorByRange(oCell)
	aAddress = oCursor.RangeAddress
	GetLastUsedRow = aAddress.EndRow
End Function

REM Write collected data to target range
REM (Find column with Kontonummer from oKontonummer(0))
REM Return True (Successful) or False (Kontonummer not found)
REM For example, you add an item to the list "konti", 
REM but forgot to add it to the sheet "Kontokort"
Function insertToTargetRangeByKontonummer(oKontonummer As Variant, aKontonummers As Variant, oSheet As Variant) As Boolean
Dim i&
	GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("Tools")	' That library, from which we took a function GetLastUsedRow
	i = IndexInArray(oKontonummer(0), aKontonummers)	' This cycle we could write ourselves. But why?
	If i < 0 Then
		insertToTargetRangeByKontonummer = False
		oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(i, 7, i+3, 7+UBound(oKontonummer(1))).setDataArray(oKontonummer(1))
		insertToTargetRangeByKontonummer = True
End Function

REM And now - main sub of our project ("core")
REM Parameters is names of sheets - first param is list separated with comma
Sub sortAndFillKontokort(sSource As String, sTarget As String)
Dim oSheets As Variant	' All sheets of workbook
Dim aSource As Variant	' Array of sheetnames
Dim inSheet As Variant	' Source sheet
Dim outSheet As Variant	' Target sheet
Dim aRangeAddress As New
Dim oCellRangeByPosition As Variant
Dim oDataArray As Variant	' Data from input sheet (array rows of array cells)
Dim oData As Variant	' Single row (array of cells)
Dim aTemp As Variant	' Temporary collection 
Dim oCursor As Variant
Dim oHeader As Variant	' Row with titles from output sheet
Dim nStartColumn As Long
Dim nEndColumn As Long
Dim nStartRow As Long
Dim nEndRow As Long
Dim i&, s&
Dim errMsg As String
	oSheets = ThisComponent.getSheets()
	If not oSheets.hasByName(sTarget) Then Exit Sub 
	aSource = Split(sSource, ",")
	aTemp = Array()
	For s = LBound(aSource) To UBound(aSource)
		If oSheets.hasByName(Trim(aSource(s))) Then 
			inSheet = oSheets.getByName(Trim(aSource(s)))
			nEndRow = GetLastUsedRow(inSheet)
			If nEndRow > 15 Then ' Header of table in 15th row - no data, nothing to do
REM Get data. From column B (Dato:) to column H (Kontonr.:), from first datarow (16th) to last row
				oDataArray = inSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(1, 15, 7, nEndRow).getDataArray()
				For i = LBound(oDataArray) To UBound(oDataArray)
					oData = oDataArray(i)
					If Trim(oData(6)) > "" Then	' Skip empty rows
REM Send to sub all fields:Kontonr.:Dato:    Bilag nr.: Tekst:    Beløb:
						AddToStruct(Array(oData(6), oData(0), oData(1), oData(2), oData(4)), aTemp)
				Next i
	Next s
	If LBound(aTemp)>UBound(aTemp) Then  Exit Sub 	' No data?
	outSheet = oSheets.getByName(sTarget)
	oCursor = outSheet.createCursor()
	aRangeAddress = oCursor.getRangeAddress()
	nEndRow = aRangeAddress.EndRow	' Same as GetLastUsedRow(outSheet). But we need EndColumn too
	If nEndRow < 4 Then Exit Sub ' Where is row with Header of table?!! Wrong format of sheet
	nEndColumn = aRangeAddress.EndColumn
REM Clear numbers, dates and texts, but leave formats and others
REM Clear to to last row (maybe new data is shotrtly)
	If nEndRow>6 Then outSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 7, nEndColumn, nEndRow).clearContents(7)	
	oHeader = outSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 4, nEndColumn, 4).getDataArray()
REM Array of arrays? No! We need single row:
	oHeader = oHeader(0)
REM OK, let's go!
REM And paste results to place:
errMsg = "Sorry, but some items not found:"
   For i = LBound(aTemp) To UBound(aTemp)
      If Not insertToTargetRangeByKontonummer(aTemp(i), oHeader, outSheet) Then 
         errMsg = errMsg + Chr(10) + aTemp(i)(0)
   Next i
   If Len(errMsg) > 32 Then MsgBox(errMsg,48,"Detected error(s) in source data")
End Sub

REM And so? Just call "core" with parameters
REM I put this subroutine to button
REM You can set it as listener for "content changed on Jan" or "sheet Kontokort activate" or... or something
Sub runCoreWithDefaultParams()
End Sub
OpenOffice 4.1.2 on Mac El Capitan, Ubuntu 15.10 and Window 7
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