[Solved] Need Documentation for Functions

Creating a macro - Writing a Script - Using the API (OpenOffice Basic, Python, BeanShell, JavaScript)
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Arun P. Pai
Posts: 15
Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:53 am

[Solved] Need Documentation for Functions

Post by Arun P. Pai »

Dear Friends

The following code appears in "Merge Cells" Macro available in this Forum.

Code: Select all

Function getCurrentRegion(oRange)
Dim oCursor
   oCursor = oRange.getSpreadSheet.createCursorByRange(oRange)
   getCurrentRegion = oCursor
End Function
I need some one to explain how to use this code.

  • There is a sheet [Accumulator] on the left to accumulate data from each sheet on the right in a document.
  • The cursor is always placed at the start of data on a sheet on the right. [DataSheets]
  • The DataSheet has the same headers on all sheets, like Serial Number, Date, Doc No, Type, Remarks, Amount
    [*}The Data always begins at a specific row say A7, on the DataSheet
  • There are no blank rows in between the data.
  • The Function selects the data
  • Copies the data to the Accumulator on the left
  • Leaves a blank row on the accumulator sheet for the next data set
  • Then select the data on the next Datasheet
  • Copy it to the Accumulator sheet. leaving one blank row. for the next data set
  • The macro continues to select and copy the data to the Accumulator till the last Datasheet.
The Merge Cells Macro which I referred to does exactly what I have listed above. It is a lovely Macro, works beautifully, but very difficult to find out how-it-does-the-job.
It is well above the level of a beginner.
So I have to take each Function and check how it works and then customize it to my needs.
I am beginning with the CurrentRegion Function which I wish to study.

Thanks you very much for all the help given earlier.

I have reproduced the Merge Cells Macro below...hats off to the person who wrote it.

Code: Select all

REM This macro is derived from Merge sheets of spreadsheet documents. That macro is embedded in a spreadsheet template. 
REM It reads spreadsheet files from a folder and merges the used areas of a specific sheet below a specified target cell within the document embedding 
REM the macro code.

REM Here is another variant that reads the used areas of selected sheets and writes the raw data below a specified target cell. 
REM Because it is supposed to work with any spreadsheet document (not just the embedding document), you save the code somewhere in your global container "My Macros" and perform the following steps:

REM 1. Define a target sheet by specifying a cell named "Target". The name or position of the sheet does not matter. 
REM 	Just give the "Target" name to one of its cells.
REM 	How to: click the wanted cell and type the name into the name box left of the formula bar.
REM 2. Optional: Define a named cell "Headers" where you enter the amount of header rows to be skipped. If you don't specify this cell, all rows will be merged.
REM 3. Select all the sheets you want to be merged below the target cell. The sheet with the target cell won't be merged even if it is selected.
REM 4. Call the Main routine of the below code.

REM The macro reads the used areas of all selected sheets skipping the target sheet if it is selected too, subtracts the specified 
REM	amount of header rows and dumps the raw data (strings and values, no formulas nor formattings) below the current region of the target cell.
REM The data will be dumped with one column offset because the first column below the target cell gets the name of 
REM the source sheet so you won't lose any information.
REM  *****  BASIC  *****

REM  *****  BASIC  *****
Option Explicit

Const cCaller = "macro:SheetMerge.Main" 'error title
Const cMsg = "Please select one or more sheets other than the target sheet." 'error text
Const cTarget = "Target" 'cell name of target cell
Const cSkipRange = "Headers" 'cell name specifying the header rows count, default=0

Dim oCurrRegion, nSkip%

Sub Main()
'calls: getNamedCell, getCurrentRegion, getSheetIndices, processSheet
REM insert used ranges of selected sheets
REM into to the current region of the active cell
Dim oCell, oSel, addr
Dim a(), aI(), i%, xSheet%
Dim oSettings, bExpand As Boolean
   REM define target area as first row below current region
   REM around the cell named "Target"
   oSettings = createUnoService("com.sun.star.sheet.GlobalSheetSettings")
   bExpand = oSettings.ExpandReferences
   oSettings.ExpandReferences = True
   oCell = getNamedCell(ThisComponent, cTarget)
   if ThisComponent.NamedRanges.hasByName(cSkipRange) then _
      nSkip = cInt(getNamedCell(ThisComponent, cSkipRange).getValue())
   oCurrRegion = getCurrentRegion(oCell)
   addr = oCurrRegion.getRangeAddress()
   xSheet = addr.Sheet
   REM define source areas
   oSel = ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection()
   if oSel.supportsService("com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCellRange") then
      if oSel.RangeAddress.Sheet = xSheet then
         MsgBox cMsg, 16, cCaller
         oSettings.ExpandReferences = bExpand
         exit sub
         a() = Array(oSel.getRangeAddress())
   elseif oSel.supportsService("com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCellRanges") then
      a() = oSel.getRangeAddresses()
      MsgBox cMsg, 16, cCaller
      oSettings.ExpandReferences = bExpand
      exit sub
   aI() = getSheetIndices(a())
   for each i in aI()
      if i <> xSheet then
oSettings.ExpandReferences = bExpand
End Sub

Sub processSheet(oSheet)
'calls: getUsedRange, getRangeByAddress
Dim urg, src, rg, a(), x, y, adr, sh
   urg = getUsedRange(oSheet)
   src = urg.getRangeAddress()
   src.StartRow = src.StartRow + nSkip
   rg = getRangeByAddress(oSheet, src)
   if not isObject(rg) then exit sub
   a() = rg.getDataArray()
   x = uBound(a())
   y = uBound(a(0))
   adr = oCurrRegion.getRangeAddress()
   adr.EndColumn = adr.StartColumn + y +1
   adr.StartRow = adr.StartRow +1
   adr.StartRow = adr.EndRow +1
   adr.EndRow = adr.StartRow + x
   sh = oCurrRegion.getSpreadsheet()
   ' print rg.absolutename
   sh.insertCells(adr, com.sun.star.sheet.CellInsertMode.DOWN)
   adr.StartColumn = adr.StartColumn +1
   rg = getRangeByAddress(sh, adr)
   adr.StartColumn = adr.StartColumn -1
   adr.EndColumn = adr.StartColumn
   rg = getRangeByAddress(sh, adr)
   rg.fillSeries(com.sun.star.sheet.FillDirection.TO_BOTTOM, com.sun.star.sheet.FillMode.SIMPLE,0,0,0)
   oCurrRegion = getCurrentRegion(oCurrRegion)
end sub

Function getNamedCell(doc, s)
REM get named cell or top-left cell of a named range
Dim nx, obj
   nx = doc.NamedRanges
   obj = nx.getByName(s)
   getNamedCell = obj.getReferredCells.getCellByPosition(0,0)
End Function

'pass a spreadsheet-document, sheet or range  together with a c.s.s.table.CellRangeAddress
'return empty if oAddr out of bounds or wrong obj
Function getRangeByAddress(obj, oAddr as com.sun.star.table.CellRangeAddress)
on error goto nullErr:
Dim oSheet
   If obj.supportsService("com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument") then
      REM use the sheet specified by given address
      oSheet = obj.getSheets.getByIndex(oAddr.Sheet)
      REM use given object (range/sheet) as parent range
      oSheet = obj
   getRangeByAddress = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(oAddr.StartColumn,oAddr.StartRow,oAddr.EndColumn,oAddr.EndRow)
exit function
   getRangeByAddress = Null
End Function
Function getUsedRange(oSheet)
Dim oCursor
   oCursor = oSheet.createCursor()
   getUsedRange = oCursor
End Function

Function getCurrentRegion(oRange)
Dim oCursor
   oCursor = oRange.getSpreadSheet.createCursorByRange(oRange)
   getCurrentRegion = oCursor
End Function

Function getSheetIndices(aAddr())
'calls bas_PushArray
REM get unique sheet indeces from array of range addresses
Dim a(), n%, x%, addr
   n = -1
   for each addr in aAddr()
      x = addr.Sheet
      if x > n then bas_PushArray(a(), x)
      n = x
   next addr
   getSheetIndices = a()
End Function

'_____________other generic function, not spreadsheet-specific____________________________________________
'very simple routine appending one single element to an array which may be undimensioned (LBound > UBound)
Sub bas_PushArray(xArray(),vNextElement)
Dim iUB%,iLB%
   iLB = lBound(xArray())
   iUB = uBound(xArray())
   If iLB > iUB then
      iUB = iLB
      redim xArray(iLB To iUB)
      iUB = iUB +1
      redim preserve xArray(iLB To iUB)
   xArray(iUB) = vNextElement
End Sub
Dear Friends,

Please note this much, it is not my intention to ask for the complete Macro Code for copying / transferring data from the Data Sheets to the Accumulator Sheet.
This I will do myself, even though it is going to be an uphill task.

If any one of you could direct me to the documentation, with examples for some of the functions used in the Merge Cells Macro it will be fine. Rest I will do myself.
I tried to search on the net but that did not help.

The following Function needs some documentation.
  • [1] Function getUsedRange(oSheet)
    [2] Function getCurrentRegion(oRange)
Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for replying to my posts.

These were the other methods I was looking for, and I am glad I found them in the link provided by you folks.
  • The method createCursor() creates a cursor that spans over the whole spreadsheet.
  • The method createCursorByRange() creates a cursor that spans over the given cell range.
and this code, it is going to be very useful for my project,

Code: Select all

// *** Use the cell cursor to add some data below of the filled area ***
 // Move to the last filled cell.
 // Move one row down.
 xCursor.gotoOffset(0, 1);
 xCursor.getCellByPosition(0, 0).setFormula("Beyond of the last filled cell."); 
I think it is similar to Ms. Excel's
Rem SRC is the name of sheet.
lastRow = src.Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row
There is one more Operator which I use to pick records in Ms Excel, for matching records with a certain criteria.
Now I got to find out the equivalent in Open Office.

It is called the Union.
If CopyRange Is Nothing Then
Set CopyRange = c.EntireRow

Set CopyRange = Union(CopyRange, c.EntireRow)

End If
But for now I am marking this post as [Solved] will come back if need be.

Thank you all once again, have a nice week end.

Regards and thanks
Last edited by Arun P. Pai on Fri Jul 20, 2018 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Need Documentation for Functions

Post by ms777 »


google is your friend here …

in getUsedRange, the work is done by gotoStartOfUsedArea and gotoStartOfUsedArea

Google "OpenOffice gotoStartOfUsedArea" leads you to https://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/com ... ursor.html which points you to http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wik ... #Used_Area, which states 'The used area is the smallest cell range that contains all cells of the spreadsheet with any contents, such as values, text, and formulas, or visible formatting, such as borders and background color'

in getCurrentRegion, the work is done by collapseToCurrentRegion

Google leads you to https://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/com ... ursor.html, which states 'expands the cursor into the region containing the cells to which it currently points. A region is a cell range bounded by empty cells.'

API documentation is really a mess …

Good luck,

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Re: Need Documentation for Functions

Post by Zizi64 »

Tibor Kovacs, Hungary; LO7.5.8 /Win7-10 x64Prof.
PortableApps/winPenPack: LO3.3.0-7.6.2;AOO4.1.14
Please, edit the initial post in the topic: add the word [Solved] at the beginning of the subject line - if your problem has been solved.
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