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CGI Base Interactivity

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 4:19 pm
by BAC94
So I have some basics of databases down. I have a couple simple ones set up, and I have forms to take care of the data entry. A few of us in the shop want to get a little intranet going. Something we can put resources in and submit data to. I'd like to use an HTML based form to submit data to the database. I've already written the form page, and I've written a few simple CGI programs to parse form data (but not for this particular form yet). I wrote them in C because it's the language I'm most familiar with.

What I'm wondering is, how can I get my form handler to interact with Base? How can I update the database without opening the file directly? Do I have to learn PHP?

Re: CGI Base Interactivity

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 5:50 pm
by Villeroy
CGI and HTML and Php are completely unrelated to this office suite and its Base component.

Re: CGI Base Interactivity

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:58 pm
by BAC94
Oh. Ok. So what is the "accept" command line argument for then?

Re: CGI Base Interactivity

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 7:43 pm
by Villeroy
You don't need the API of a 350MB office suite in order to access a database. That would be a Rube Goldberg machine in software. Either you connect office documents through Base with some database or you use some other program but managing a database through Base via UNO interfaces and an external script sounds rather absurd. You will suffer from memory leaks and incredibly slow response.