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[Solved] Math Editor Elements Window

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:49 pm
by TGV3

I am having a real difficult time in finding my Elements window in the Math Editor. I've searched through the topics on the forum and nothing works! All I want to do is put in the inverse for sine and centimetres cubed etc.

I've searched through the formula catalog and could find nothing for the sine inverse or centimetres cubed symbols. I've searched under VIEW for Elements and found nothing. I've tried the TOOLS and found nothing.

Please advise.

Re: Math Editor Elements Window

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 5:47 pm
by UnklDonald418
In the commands window (lower right) of the Formula editor type
cm^3 to to add "centimetres cubed" to your formula
and sin^-1 to add "sine inverse" to your formula
Other math symbols can be accessed in the Math editor by selecting Tools>Catalog (Symbols) to open the Symbols dialog.
Under Symbol set select Special and press the Edit button to open the Edit Symbols dialog.
Looking in the lower left different fonts have different symbol sets available.
The two I have found that have the most math symbols are Arial Unicode MS and Lucinda Sans Unicode
You can scroll through the list of symbols, or under Subset you can select Mathematical Operators to jump to the appropriate area of the symbol list.
If you find something you want, select it and press the Add button and then OK
Your selected symbol will now appear on the list of Special symbols in the Symbols dialog.
Press the Insert button and the symbol will be added to your formula.

Re: Math Editor Elements Window

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:07 pm
by TGV3
Thank you for the quick reply! It worked.