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Shuffle slides of PowerPoint Slide Show every time on openin

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:51 pm
by Jackkk
Hi to all I have a question. I have 1 PowerPoint Slide Show that has around 50 slides, on each slide it's 1 question. What I want to know it's how I can shuffle all the slide of the presentations but keeping it as a .pptx not as .ppsx and every time I open the .pptx (at different classes) the order will be different. (I am a teacher)

I have tried some macros in VB but what I've found require to keep the slide show as .ppsx and rearrange the order ... and I am tring to avoid that because the quiz file it's part from a bigger presentation. Anyhow can anyone help me with a macro that shuffles my slides upon opening?


Re: Shuffle slides of PowerPoint Slide Show every time on op

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:59 am
In this thread I posted a macro to randomly shuffle Impress slides. I don't think the macro can be saved within the document if you use the pptx format. I believe MS Office documents will not preserve any code not written in VB. If you can switch your presentation to Impress, or always run the presentation from the same computer and store the macro in the OOo application, it might be useful to you.

Re: Shuffle slides of PowerPoint Slide Show every time on op

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:53 pm
by universmaster
Ok .. I have the same problem .. exactly :)

I have read your thread and I have added 10 slide and when I press F5 .. the slides are played randomly ..

But I have a question .. how I can save the file into a presenter way .. for PowerPoint for example when I wanted to edit the file I would go to the .ppt/.pptx file and to play it I would save the file into .ppt/.pptx version .. but for impress I have tried to save the file to .odp and .odg but when I open the file .. the show dose not start instant .. and requires me to press F5 ...

I wonder .. there's a way to export a impress presentation with a macro in it ... to a .ppsx or to a .ppsm (power point file with a macro .. ) ?