Getting a sorted overview of all the annotations contained in a Writer document

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Getting a sorted overview of all the annotations contained in a Writer document

Post by Lupp »

In pursuit of a badly worded question in the "Macros" forum I used some time to develop a solution for which now the problem (question) is missing.
Possibly there are a few visitors interested in the code.
I will also attach a demonstrating .odt.
Note (1): The currently fresh LibO version 24.2.1 has a bug thwaiting the way to get position info for annotation anchors.
===Edit 2024-03-30 about 14:50 UTC===
With V the bug seems to be fixed.
See ... ?id=160138
Note (2): AOO and very old versions of LibO dont't support non-empty text ranges as anchors for annotations. The info 'AnchorString' will then be empty even if the document was made with a newer version.

Code: Select all

Sub collectWriterAnnotationsInfo(Optional pDoc)
Dim annoStripes As New Collection
If IsMissing(pDoc) Then pDoc = ThisComponent
currCtrl   = pDoc.CurrentController
foundSel   = currCtrl.Selection
viewCur    = currCtrl.ViewCursor
textFields = pDoc.TextFields
For Each field In textFields
 If NOT field.supportsService("") _
  Then Goto nextField
 With field
  REM Get positionalInformation. This requires to select the anchor.
  REM This is currently (2024-03-11) not working for me in LibO V 24.2.
  REM It works in all my older Portable versions an also in AOO 4.1.7.
  With viewCur
   page       = .Page
   With .Position
    posY       = .Y
    posX       = .X
   End With
  End With
  annoDate    = .Date
  With annoDate
   isoDate     = Join(Array(Format(.Year, "0000"), _
                            Format(.Month, "00") , _
                            Format(.Day,"00"))   , "-")
  End With
  annoStripe  = Array(page,    posY,    posX, .  Anchor.String, _
                     isoDate, .Author, .Content)
 End With
Next field
Call annotationInfoToSheet(annoStripes)
End Sub

Sub annotationInfoToSheet(pCollection, Optional pSheet)
If IsMissing(pSheet) Then
 calcDoc    = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/scalc", "_blank", 0, Array())
 pSheet     = calcDoc.Sheets(0)
 calcDoc    = pSheet.DrawPage.Forms.Parent
headers    = Array("Page",                        _
                   "AnchorPos.Y",  "AnchorPos.X", _
                   "AnchorString", "Date",        "Author", "ContentString")
uH         = Ubound(headers)
headersRg  = pSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 0, uH, 0)
workCursor = pSheet.createCursorByRange(headersRg)
For Each annoStripe In pCollection
 workCursor.gotoOffset(0, 1)
Next annoStripe
tally      = pCollection.Count
workCursor.gotoOffset(0, -tally + 1)
workCursor.collapseToSize(Ubound(headers) + 1, tally)
Dim sortDescr(2) As New' = workCursor.createSortDescriptor()
Dim sortFields(1) As New
sortFields(0).SortAscending = True                   : sortFields(0).Field = 1
sortFields(1).SortAscending = True                   : sortFields(1).Field = 2
sortDescr(0).Name           = "ContainsHeader"       : sortDescr(0).Value  = False
sortDescr(1).Name           = "SortFields"           : sortDescr(1).Value  = sortFields
sortDescr(2).Name           = "BindFormatsToContent" : sortDescr(0).Value  = False
End Sub
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Last edited by Lupp on Sat Mar 30, 2024 5:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
On Windows 10: LibreOffice 24.2 (new numbering) and older versions, PortableOpenOffice 4.1.7 and older, StarOffice 5.2
Lupp from München
Posts: 2835
Joined: Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:40 pm

Re: Getting a sorted overview of all the annotations contained in a Writer document

Post by JeJe »

Thanks for the idea, I've applied your cunning method to textsections. Its much simpler than enumerating all the paragraphs.


As I say there, In the past I have had issues with Writer not always updating the viewcursor position properly when the cursor is moved- so that may or may not occur.
Windows 10, Openoffice 4.1.11, LibreOffice (x64)
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